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never ending Multi-careering

never ending Multi-careering2010-12-09T06:20:26+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Lost/Losing My Job never ending Multi-careering

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    Post count: 14413

    Wow everybody!! I think you are all my lost brothers and sisters. I am 40 years old and havent figured a damn thing out yet, but that I have ADD as an adult. I know I had ADHD as a child because I could NEVER sit still. I have had a zillion jobs also. My dad says find out what your good at and do that. Well, I don’t know about you guys, but what AM I good at? I feel like a failure at everything. In fact, I don’t even know what I like to do anymore, what my favorite color is or music. My head is always spinning a hundred miles per hour and I can’t get it to stop to let me off let alone try to think of something. I can’t even find the words to say when I am trying to explain myself. The bad part is..both my kids have it also. The school won’t even help so I am now homeschooling. I don’t have patience AT ALL!!! I am the worst parent I think. On top of having ADD, I was abused growing up and was call stupid so many times that I have the worst self esteem and actually think I am stupid. My kids walk all over me because of this. I am NOT a mind game player at all…and I think you need to be one when you have kids. You always have to be one step ahead, but not me.

    Is this familiar to anyone??

    Bigjimmy…if you don’t mind me asking…how old are you? I am just curious because most of us have listed how old we are so we can feel how long we have all struggled with life. And Bob L. I have contiplated suicide also because I am always asking myself….why am I even here? If all I do is screw things up…what is the point? All I know is DON’T DO IT EVER!!! God knows you are struggling and in the end if we stick with it, we WILL be rewarded…that is all I am going to say because everyone has different religious beliefs and I don’t want to even go there.

    Lets all work together because I don’t have anyone to keep me going and to stay positive so we can all help each other because who actually REALLY understands but US!! People without ADD just don’t get it!!!! So what do you say everyone???? Let us be their for each other and get on meds and learn techniques and all!!!!


    Post count: 14413

    I can relate, I have always had a job until I was laid off 2 months ago. I would work at a place for 3 to 5 years, get bored or feel like I couldn’t succeed and move on to a different type of work. I would go from driving tractor trailer to being a motel manager as an example. It has been very hard to feel like a success most of my life now that I was diagnosed with ADD in 2000 while in school it has got some what easier but it is still a struggle to keep things organized.


    Post count: 12

    Wow, this is like the first time I went to AA. (sober 20 years now) And I am like that is me. Everything is sooooo me. I just posted 45, ADD and totally in the wrong job, I feel stuck and screwed. I could have just come to this post I guess. I can relate to just about every comment on here. I can’t relate to the people who actually have a degree or formal training as I just dont think I could do it. I had to study for an upgrading course and I failed twice and just passed on the third try.

    So not only do I not know what “I want to do when I grow up” some of the stuff I am interested in I couldnt do the education side of it. Feel totally screw but less alone than I did so thats something.


    Post count: 14413

    After reading all the above posts, I feel really fortunate to have “stumbled” into the real estate industry 25 years ago. Real estate (and perhaps sales in general) is a dynamic business….everyday your job is different. This is my slow time of year (people don’t typically buy houses for stocking-stuffers, unfortunately) so I have to really work at keeping my sanity in check.

    The busier I keep myself, the happier I am. Personally, I don’t think mundane, monotonous careers are the best for those with adult ADD.


    Post count: 14413

    Hello my long lost brothers and sisters! I am 43 and just recently diagnosed ADHD, and unemployed (quit) from home/auto insurance sales…BORING! That was just the latest job, others included: factory worker, warehouse worker, security guards, inside sales, pizza delivery, truck driver, property manager, and Army Reserve Officer.

    Still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up, never did well in school, no degree, no trade, ect, ect, ect. I too was told while growing up that I was stupid, lazy, would never amount to anything. Funny thing is, my family now thinks that I am successful because I always seem to find well paying jobs (for about 3 years at a time) and my rough patches always seem to follow a poor economy.

    When someone finds that job that is different every other day and no requirement for memory use, please let me know.


    Post count: 14413

    ……..wow. yeah. what they said. …um, gotta go sry ltr.


    Post count: 14413

    Oh my, It’s hard to say that I am 63 yr old woman and I saw the PBS program this evening which made me realize so much that I avoided facing before. My mother said I was lazy and never finished anything. Report card and teachers said capable of doing much better. At graduation my mother pointed out that I should and could have been in the honor society. I coasted and my motto has always been if all else fails read the directions. My son had colic and back then the doctor made a house call. He had a cerebral dysfunction and was moderately hyperactive and IQ in the gifted range. My sister, a real behavior problem and now “out of the family” for 5 years now.

    I have had so many jobs never longer than 3 yrs and now the last eighteen months 5 jobs and 4 this year. I lost my job the day after Thanksgiving and am at a loss of how to get control of my life. My daughter has talked about having ADD for years and now has Fibromyalgia which is also brain function related along with Narcolepsy and Involuntary limb movement and depression requiring lots of meds. She’s disabled now at just 40. She takes so many meds. Wow it’s scary looking at the big picture! I don’t know where to begin but there’s a local support group meeting tomorrow evening I plan to attend. WOW I hope it’s not too late!


    Post count: 14413

    Yes I am definitely in the right place. I am 54 and have had many occupations myself. Although I’ve been on medication for several years and that helps – I’ve only just begun getting serious about changing my patterns of behavior with the help of a counselor. I lost another job in October and beginning to see how much my ADD was a contributing factor. After finding this forum, I feel less like a failure and more ready to be honest about the changes that need to be made.

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