I mistakenly always thought that ADHD only really affected boys. These boys were usually badly behaved and would have to stay away from sweets/sugary drinks and foods containing “e-numbers.” So, being a grown woman with a first time diagnosis of ADHD has been a shock to say the least…
I always knew something wasn’t right, that I was “slow on the uptake” and didn’t respond well to spoken instructions (or any instructions really!). I was always over emotional and would cry all the time.
School was painful, I never completed homework and I couldn’t wait to leave (with one pass at GCSE). After school had ended,bad relationships were normal for me, I was introduced to drugs, alcohol, smoking. I then jumped from one job to another where I could’t tolerate boring activities or long meetings. I have found life chaotic and confusing so looking back it all makes sense, and I admit it makes me sad. I have always felt that I find daily life so much more difficult than my friends and family and assumed it was purely down to anxiety or depression.
When I look back at the craziness of it all, the risky situations that I got myself into, and how vulnerable I was, I feel so lucky to still be here today. I am still in shock to find it’s ADHD but finding it a comfort to come on here and share with you all.
Hopefully my story resonates with some of you. Thanks for listening 🙂