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March 14, 2011 at 2:28 am #89293
AnonymousInactiveMarch 14, 2011 at 2:28 amPost count: 14413I am currently going to a phychologist, not for ADHD, but for some family issues……I have been wanting to ask her about this ADHD that I have suspected of having for years but I’m hesitant……..I have googled ADHD and it sounds like doctors don’t really believe in the adult disorder??? Does anyone have any insight as to why this would be and should I ask her about it and not be afraid??? I would like to have some kind of evaluation done to see if it’s actually ADHD……
REPORT ABUSEMarch 14, 2011 at 2:55 am #102035
AnonymousInactiveMarch 14, 2011 at 2:55 amPost count: 14413I just took the virtual test……..I answered “YES” to every single question! That’s scary………
REPORT ABUSEMarch 14, 2011 at 3:36 am #102036If you have not watched Add and loving it do so. Yes Adults have and have had it their whole life. We learn to compensate for it in small ways.
The compesation can leads others to think there is no problem.–GROW UP WE ARE TOLD
Its genetic- it has nothing to do with age. I compensated for ADD by learning thru experience and the school of hard knocks.
By all means get checked its nothing to be afraid of.
If you have it GREAT in can be treated. You won’t have to suffer by youreself.
The main problem is this…No one can actually see the channel surfing in my Brain -no one can see why I dont have the ability to remember names- No one could understand why I could look at the same paragraph for over an hour and not comprehend it -Why I had such difficulty in spelling. My greatest fear in college was the two years of english I had to take. I did not worry about Physics or Chemistry
REMEMBER “that”s a oxymoron for us with ADD” ADD affects everyone differently. I can remember certain project details for years.
but dont ask me the name of the person I was just intoduced to.
Good Luck. ADD has many strengths. I became a professional engineer and I had my secretay write my letters
REPORT ABUSEMarch 14, 2011 at 3:58 am #102037
AnonymousInactiveMarch 14, 2011 at 3:58 amPost count: 14413Tried to order the Add DVD, and encountered all sorts of trouble, making me want to say fuck you to this website. Can anyone verify that this is legit and that their on-line shop is what it says? Attempted at least x5, so frustrated!!!!!!!
REPORT ABUSEMarch 14, 2011 at 4:02 am #102038
AnonymousInactiveMarch 14, 2011 at 4:02 amPost count: 14413To Hans: I’m sure your secretary was happy as hell to earn a mere beggar’s salary taking care of something worth hundreds of thousands to you?! No ill will…’s just that I’m a “secretary” that totally runs the business for little to no pay, which has been “frozen” for several years while CEO bonuses continue to rise. Just a little bit irritated!
REPORT ABUSEMarch 14, 2011 at 7:51 am #102039
AnonymousInactiveMarch 14, 2011 at 7:51 amPost count: 14413Survivor05, doctors are becoming more aware of the fact that ADD doesn’t disappear when a child grows up and sometimes it never even gets diagnosed when we are kids!
You mentioned that you’re seeing a psychologist for family issues. I’m betting that the psychologist has already ‘noted’ that you have ADD. They probably haven’t mentioned it to you since that isn’t the issue they’re being paid to deal with right now.
Why don’t you just ask if they have any recommendations for doctors who are familiar with Adult ADD in your area? They may be able to get you on the right track and headed in the right direction.
REPORT ABUSEMarch 14, 2011 at 1:07 pm #102040
AnonymousInactiveMarch 14, 2011 at 1:07 pmPost count: 14413Thank you for the replies………Yes, I do feel that I have had it since childhood and have just “dealt” with it all these years! I’m 41…….I actually don’t think I have “dealt” with it…….I feel I have “suffered” through it for so many years! I just want to be normal….happy?? I don’t know that I’ve ever been happy???………..I do remember some of my report cards as a child saying…….Unable to focus in class, Cannot concentrate in class, talks to much in class……..and so on. I was always an introvert, shy. Socially awkward……You know, alot of the signs you see in children with ADD, but I know for a fact that my mother had probably never even heard of it!!
I’ve always thought that my feelings, actions, thoughts were similar to the rest of the world. Sure everyone forgets things, everyone misplaces things, everyone has racing thoughts, etc……….But after researching ADD, I realize it’s the degree of severity that matters. And yes, I would consider myself severe! It affects my daily life, my relationships, my job, every minute of every day!!
REPORT ABUSEMarch 15, 2011 at 1:08 am #102041Hi Survivor05,
Your in the right place. This is one of the best, if not the BEST, unbiased resources out there. Tonnes of information offered with an edge of humor which helps to soften out a lot of dread. Learn as much as you can and find an expert in your area. The comments you remember from your report cards are the kinds of indicators that professionals use in diagnosis.
Of course everyone over time experiences things like forgetfulness, difficultly concentrating and misplacing things. The difference is how these things impair more than one aspect of your life and if they are chronic. Which sounds like it does for you…”every minute of everyday.”
Seeking out the right kind of help and learning about it as much as possible will start bringing you back on track.
And seeking help is not easy in some places. Don’t be surprised if you end up knowing more about this than your MD. Even if your phychologist offers little help in the ADHD arena, clearing out your family issues, and other kinds of “mental garbage” that ADHD’ers collect and store over the years will lighten your load.
Again, your in the right place being on this site. It’s a gem!
All the best.
REPORT ABUSEMarch 15, 2011 at 4:33 am #102042mneighbour
Please no bitterness. I kissed my secretary’s feet everyday. I made sure she was taken care off. I knew how important a good secretay was. I normaly work very good with others in my own quirkey ways. I had a complete open door policy. I have promoted high school graduates over college graduates. My mind races and can be vefy finely focused and see the finest detail and tie the information together. I always took care of the emplyees who worked under me.
Employees who could not do their job –the corporate politicians/foxes were terrified since I saw things so clearly. I had a target on my back the whole time. I cannot begin to say how many lies have been told about me. Being ADHD and gifted in the technical the there was no manner to fire me for those reasons. So I was constantly attacked in the “social” area.
ADD’rs don’t become CEO’s normally. There are too many holes in our personalities. We get hired to solve very detailed problems and often after the work is done we are back unemployed. Corps put up with us because they need us not because they like us.
Please don’t confuse me with the SOCIOPATHS. ADHD traits are completely different. A Sociopath has little no social empathy. He can eat a full meal while others starve. I often felt most personell directors had to have this trait to do their job. It’s sad to me that there seems to be so many of them in the financial sector and the stock market at the expense of the US middle class.
REPORT ABUSEMarch 22, 2011 at 2:11 am #102043
AnonymousInactiveMarch 22, 2011 at 2:11 amPost count: 14413middle son just diagnosed what he tells me about add and what info I have found reads too much like my story
am trying to decide if the cost of checking this out has greater benefits than costs if I am add then that is part of what has shaped me to the man I now am, a believer in christ Jesus and a poet and essayist wondering will there be cost of creativity if I undergo treatmentI do not know where to go from here or how to get there does this sound nuts to you? Plan to confer with pastor of my church she has experience in this field.
REPORT ABUSEMarch 22, 2011 at 4:02 am #102044
AnonymousInactiveMarch 22, 2011 at 4:02 amPost count: 14413Hi So5……I understand. I was diagnosed years and years ago…. I can’t remember it was so long ago…….doesn’t matter. When i was diagnosed the MD I went to see told me…… adult ADD is uncommon. They thought we outgrew it. My MD was open minded and away I went from there. I not a Professional in this field or maybe I am….. I’m 60 now and have had first had experience for around 30 years…….. actually 60 years. Find a good MD…… check it out. Good to know one way or the other.
REPORT ABUSENovember 14, 2011 at 5:23 am #102045
AnonymousInactiveNovember 14, 2011 at 5:23 amPost count: 14413what is eerie is this. a lot of the things that i see in my 9 year old boy mirrors me exactly when i was his age. talks out of turn, capable of doing better, restless. he is very strong in spelling. i was a spelling genius, almost went to the National Spelling Bee if it wasn’t for the flu. never had to study hard in school unless it was math, which i hated. i still have trouble organzing and balancing my paperwork at home, my checkbook, my house is a mess. and i feel so overwhelmed. doing menial things bores me to tears. people who meet me say i’m a real flake. a bubble head, Edith Bunker. i”ve never been able to shake that off. i want to be strong confident, fit, able to do things without agonizing over it. even waking up to get my kid off to school is a chore. i’ve read a lot of these posts and i share a lot of the ADHD attributes but i’ve never been diagnosed, though my boy has. i’ve taken the questionnaires for him but when i saw the questions, i was mentlly checking off each one for myself and i feel like if ADHD has a face it would be mine.. then again, there’s my husband who thinks that my son and I if we wanted to, can make this stop. i know in my heart that my kid cannot help it. i know in my heart that i cannot help it. it’s not just a feeling it’s apparent in how we perform in our lives. people who refuse to understand should just get over it already!