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Newly diagnosed and think everything's going to unravel soon. I need a plan.

Newly diagnosed and think everything's going to unravel soon. I need a plan.2011-09-08T17:39:28+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey I'm Scared Newly diagnosed and think everything's going to unravel soon. I need a plan.

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  • #124815

    Post count: 16

    Thankyou kc5jck yes I will take that on reg my hubby. Sunshine days to you and yours. Greentree 🙂


    Post count: 16

    Still waiting and it seems like an eternity.  Eger and fearfull but still feel I need to see it through with meds  journey to answer and relieve any doubs around posible benifits. New jobs going fine made a couple of misstakes but no bigies, especially concidering they have me working all around the establishment which is big. A few high care areas and a few hostel care areas. All different sifts in each area diff people in each with only a few core staff which are constant in each area. Thats just the work side then theres the residents which are all diff with their own individual needs. So a pat on the back for me  or no other will. Just a little vent for me sorry. My first day of two off after working 9 days straight. Sunshine days .

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