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omega 3 fish oil capsule supplement for ADD?

omega 3 fish oil capsule supplement for ADD?2011-05-19T00:03:45+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication omega 3 fish oil capsule supplement for ADD?

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    Post count: 14413

    hi guys! i’ve been reading a lot on omega 3 fatty acids in fish oil capsules because i’m planning to take it for my heart condition. while doing research, i read that i can alleviate symptoms of ADD. how true is that? my cousin is diagnosed with ADD and i want to give him some of my maxalife fish oil caps to lighten the burden a little.

    any thoughts will help. thanks!


    Post count: 14413

    Hi Kathie,

    I started taking omega 3 supplements shortly after starting on the adhd medicine, some people say it makes a good difference, in my case its hard to tell if there is any noticeable difference while taking it. Since i’m not a big fish eater which as you probably know has lots of omega 3, I take the recommended max of x3 1000mg capsules per day which I figured if it can in some way keep my brain “healthier” is worth taking.

    Some of the brain’s fatty tissue containes omega 3 so taking additional omega 3 is said to help make up that tissue which nourishes the brain.

    I say its worth a try!


    Post count: 5

    I started taking it last month. I do feel a little less scatterbrained, but I’m not sure if it’s the fishy oil or just the placebo effect right now.


    Post count: 14413

    from maxalife’s website it says that omega 3 fish oil supplements do really help with our brain health because it really does something for brain development especially of babies. that’s why it is advisable that moms take this during pregnancy. this is also perhaps the reason why it can do something about ADHD or ADD.


    Post count: 929

    Very interesting, there are so many mixed messages with the dozens of study’s that get done about supplements of every kind. I get a lot of info from Dr Andrew Weil’s web site, I probably read about a third of the email tips on nutrition that I get sent from his site. I hope to study herbal medicine some time in the future. I hope more people talk about experience with alternative medicines. I’m not crazy about taking any more dang pills, and I’m smart enough to listen to my daughter who just graduated with a bachelors degree in nutrition, She will be a nutritionist in less than a year. Food is the best source of nutrition, but so much of the food that’s good for us has to be made from scratch, not pre packaged n manufactured. I take the fish oil, not a lot. Mostly cuz I don’t want to eat much of anything that has lived in polluted streams and polluted seas. I really like sardines though. Theirs small, and less likely to be full of toxic substances n heavy metals. (I hope, anyway…) please check out drweil.com Let me know what you think you guys. I like to get lot’s of opinions especially about alternative, or integrated medicine.


    Post count: 445

    I’ve taken Omega 3 capsules, including high-octane Lovaza®, for heart health. They have done NOTHING for my ADD as far as I can tell.


    Post count: 303

    two words: fish burps.

    I even tried the special kind, which the pharmacist said wouldn’t give me fish burps. They gave me fish burps, too. I’d rather just eat the fish. I don’t get fish burps when I eat fish.


    Post count: 445

    Post count: 14413

    i’ve been taking fish oil caps and mine do not give me any fish burps. i think they’ve already come with a new technology or something in eliminating fish burps. i take from maxalife and they’re in soft gel caps so i think fish burps are now only applicable to the liquid type.


    Post count: 14413

    I started taking them with my Adderall not for the ADD but for my heart as my blood pressure and pulse was a little high before stimulants and I wanted to counteract any affect they might have. They are also good for inflammation and as an IBS sufferer I’ve had issues with my protein level being too high from the inflammation attributed to IBS flares. As a regular donater of blood plasma I get my vitals and blood checked often and find out things I otherwise wouldn’t know. If any of my levels are off too high or too low I’m not able to donate, so I track them.

    The fish oil capsules I take have D3 in them as that vitamin is helpful in alleviating the pain I get in the winter months due to lack of sunshine causing a vitamin D deficiency.


    Post count: 14413

    Hmmmm…remember supplements or naturopathic remedies do not act like pharmaceuticals…..they are looooooonger term solutions. They can take months to take effect, or longer. I do consult a Naturopath and he has cured ailments I’ve had for 20 years that modern medicine could not even touch….saw every specialist in the city…..twice or three times!!!!!! 20 years…mind you. It took a year, and patience…I had to follow the regime exactly…and it worked. Go figure…..

    My GP was PISSED when I told him I had been seeing a Dr. of Naturopathic Medicine……..chastised me for wasting my money!!!

    Well…it “WORKED”….I’m still clear a few years later. The Orientals and First Nations folks have been using natural medicine for centuries. Many modern medicines today are found in mother natures store house “the rain forests”!!!

    I do take natural supplements……have for years and years. I’m a health and fitness freak……SURPRISE….eh!!!!

    I’m not suggesting anything to anybody….I’m just sayin.



    Post count: 14413

    Opps nearly forgot………… yes, I too take Wild Salmon Oil, Omega 3……..it is the only type that actually shows a benefit. Captive fish do not each the same thing as wild salmon, which is where the Omega 3 comes from.



    Post count: 4

    Yes, the wild salmon do eat the Omega-3… from algae. There are algal supplements out there that get their Omega 3 directly from the source, not from fish. Good for vegetarians… and no need to worry about mercury concentrations, or other toxins that build up in the fish… or the “fish burp”.

    I just saw a CVS brand I was going to purchase, but it’s not for vegetarians (gelatin), so… not for me.


    Many other brands out there that are easy to find online. I was taking Ovega, but will look for another brand since a new study came out on EPA/DHA (for the primarily inattentive type).


    She didn’t include any algal supplements in her list, though.

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