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    Post count: 14413

    I had never really put much thought in to this until recently, but I’ve noticed that I really like pacing… well, “like” is a bit misleading. It’s more like I’m compelled to pace. Especially when I’m on break. Nearly everyone else can’t wait to sit down and ‘veg’ while I would think and pace (comically, like a tiger in a cage). It’s been true my entire life.

    Anyone else find themselves pacing when in pause mode?


    Post count: 13

    Yes indeed! I have always referred to it as my ‘polar bear syndrome’ Like that you have a wild animal in you too…..!


    Post count: 14413

    Hi richzilla_blue!

    My job is working on my feet..sometimes over 10 hours a day..the busier I am physically, the better I feel.

    Movement relaxes me, whereas if I have to sit…that’s when the agitation hits and builds to anger..unless I am reading a book.

    I take books with me wherever I go as well as my phone (for texting) in case I have to sit and don’t want to go crazy! (Things to do..)

    Physical movement to me is what yoga is like to other people, I guess. It puts me in the zone and I can concentrate better.

    I explain it to other people so they can understand is that whatever they find relaxing, I find the opposite.

    Sitting still in a chair is what they used to do to us in school to punish us and for good reason!

    Hey, remember when you just couldn’t wait to go outside and run around????

    Movement is relaxing! It’s also good for you.

    We are energetic!

    Full of jumping beans, as my mother used to put it!


    Post count: 14413

    @Buz… I like that, “polar bear syndrome.” :)

    @MerryMac… too true my friend. I used to work at a place where I was on my feet all day. It was wonderful. As my occupation usually requires massive amounts of sitting, I’ll have to find some strategies to deal with that. “Full of jumping beans…” LOL, that’s a good one too.

    It’s pretty funny when the ‘younger folks’ tell me to sit down because I’m wearing them out just by their watching me running around.


    Post count: 14413

    Today is Veteran’s Day in America and it got me thinking about my time in the service. I was a Marine from 1975-83 and the worst part about my time in the Corps was anytime we had major inspections. Specifically, when the battalion would have to march to the parade deck (essentially a giant parking lot) and stand, FOR HOURS, awaiting inspection by the Commanding General.

    Can you imagine being young, with ADHD, and having to stand in one spot, not moving, not talking, just standing? The longest inspection took about 4 hours. There were plenty of other challenges, to be sure, but for me the inspections were the hardest to bear.


    Post count: 58

    I’m a passer too. and move, there are times i can’t sit still. i never connected it my ADD before. it makes sense. glad i’m not the only one.


    Post count: 14413

    This pacing that so many of us do, myself included, is, I believe, a coping mechanism. The more pointless the pacing the sharper my intellect becomes. I think that as we grow older we naturally begin to reign in the more aggressive aspects of our wily brains and pacing seems to be the go to answer for so many of us. Until reading this post I hadn’t really thought much about it; it was just what I did to pass the time while on the phone with long winded friends and relatives. But, upon further analysis, it seems like my favorite things in the world revolve around this practice. My ultimate passion is Music, more specifically the guitar. Noodling around on my axe now seems more for self preservation than just practice and play time. It may sound prettier than feet thudding against the floor boards but in essence it is the same. My Long Boarding (like surfing or snowboarding on pavement with a “long board”) is also more relaxing than sitting in a hammock with a glass of lemonade. I can be found racing through city streets and carving down steep hills for hours upon hours after a long day at work. Maybe that is why so many ADDers are some of the trimmest people I know :) Pacing…….you complete me



    Post count: 14413

    I’m not a particularly active person, but I find that I do need to rock or wiggle my feet when I sit, unless something else is occupying me (like my baby). I also don’t like to just stand, I have to wiggle or pace in line.

    Lines. I imaging that Hell is just a series of lines we all have to wait in.

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