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personalised storage unit (MY A-level product design project research)

personalised storage unit (MY A-level product design project research)2018-05-04T13:55:01+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Organizing & De-Cluttering personalised storage unit (MY A-level product design project research)

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    my name is waneez and im an A-level product design student and for my project i am making a storage unit specificlaly for peopel with ADHD and ADD and it would be very helpful if yu guys could help me by answeoring this survery: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/QZYT7JM (you can copy and past it to you browser if it doesnt work) plase could you do the survey (or answer the questions listed below) as they will help me with my A-level project. Please and thanks
    1) are you (or teh person with ADHD) under 16?
    2)Do they, or you (if you
    have ADHD) have any trouble organising your/their
    3)Is there already a system in place to help them/you stay organised? (if so try and describe it)
    4)Do you think they/you
    would like an easier aid to help then store their/your belongings in?
    5)Do you feel that the storage unit would be used
    6)Do they/you feel that having a storage unit specifically designed for people with ADHD would be helpful?
    7)What would you like to see in such a product?
    8)What sort of colours do you think would suit this product, which will not trigger their ADHD?
    9)What shape do you think it should be?

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