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Psychiatrists & Therapists for free

Psychiatrists & Therapists for free2011-01-20T21:47:47+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Psychiatrists & Therapists for free

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    Shadow Nexus
    Post count: 181

    I’v gone through all state(CA, USA) supported services. The best, I get six sessions, since i’m not a severe mental case. That’s worthless. Are there private non-profits that can find me free therapists?


    Post count: 14413

    May I ask how you found out you had ADHD. What made you get diagnosed….. Are there specific issues you are dealing with as a result… substance abuse, incarceration, lack of employment, inability to take entrance exams to higher education and etc……


    Shadow Nexus
    Post count: 181

    You can read it here: http://totallyadd.com/forum/topic.php?id=850

    I got tested with a psychologist when I was in school. I’m looking for a local in-person licensed privately funded psychologist.


    Post count: 14413

    I suggest the naturopathic community. Their solutions are less harsh than the pharmaceutical industry. Is there a naturopathic school, or medical school, nearby you that has a lower cost clinic for the public?

    Search on the Internet for what you want — free therapy for ADD OR low-income cost for ADD therapy — use those sorts of phrases — and include your area/city

    Also, look for an EMDR (eye movement and desensitization response) practitioner/therapist.

    Rewiring my subconscious mind with EMDR has helped me a lot. I keep notes about what I struggle with, read the notes to the therapist, she notices a pattern, and together we devise a new message for my subconscious mind which we use to over-write the old thought. EMDR really works.

    Also ask for low income services, or full circle services (get a reduced fee with proof that you have volunteered in some way in the community), or barter for services.


    Patte Rosebank
    Post count: 1517

    EMDR has been debunked. It doesn’t stand up to proper scientific testing, only to anecdotal evidence. If it works for you, great! That’s anecdotal evidence.

    The problem is, the therapy is unproven, but practitioners are charging people thousands of dollars for what is essentially “snake oil”. And, in many cases, unless a therapy stands up to proper, double-blind, independent, clinical testing, your insurance won’t cover it.

    The whole “naturopathy is better than pharmaceuticals” argument has also been debunked. Anything you put into your body from an outside source is not “natural”. And many pharmaceuticals come from natural organic sources (e.g., digitalis, insulin).

    Furthermore, many “natural” supplements can be dangerous when taken in excess (too much Vitamin A or Iron is fatal), or when mixed with other supplements or medications, or if you have certain medical conditions. So “natural” doesn’t automatically mean “safe”, any more than “pharmaceutical” automatically means “dangerous”.

    The one truly “natural” therapy that does help (as part of your overall treatment plan), and stands up to proper scientific testing is physical exercise. Just go for a walk. It feels great, and it’s free!


    Post count: 14413

    I’m really beginning to be disillusioned by the number of people who are coming in here only to push some sort of agenda (or so called cure) that has nothing to do with the things that are discussed rationally by the website. it’s almost as if the entire forum has been over run by psuedo-scientific blather.

    Filmbuff 91984, i don’t have answers for you, but i won’t try to tell you that you are doing the wrong thing by trying to find a doctor for help. i hope you can find some free help. i’m in the same boat myself. :)

    i agree with everything larynxa has said. *sigh*


    Post count: 14413

    Filmbuff1984 – teaching hospitals with a psychology/psychiatry department have mental health clinics where last year residents receive real world practice with guidance from older psychiatrists and therapists. If you’re unemployed, a student or low income you can receive a therapist and psychiatrist for FREE. I now see a therapist weekly and a psychiatrist every 2 weeks as we adjust my medication dose. Since I’m uninsured my psychiatrist put me in the hospital voucher program and I receive my medication for free.

    Hope this helps!

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