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PTSD and ADHD2011-01-21T14:16:43+00:00

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    Post count: 14413

    OK here goes … I unfortunately was the victim of an attack by at the time a unknown someone with A Knife & Brass Knuckles during an unprovoked robbery (HE needed drug money) in the middle of the day to which I sustained an injury to my shoulder that needs major surgery (YES the perpitrator was apprehended quickly and he was convicted and will be serving a good length of time behind bars to which i hope he gets but i doubt the help he needs) …….. “Boo Hoo” For me i know ! It occurred app 11 months ago and because of health insurance issues, my lack of navigating the health care system and my procastination I will be soon having the surgery.

    I am scared to death and I do not really know why(OK first I am going under the KNIFE) and second the x whom was/is a RN always told the horror stories of the DOCS/SURGEONS (both personally and professionally) as she was a PACU nurse (basically worked in the surgery recovery room). I unfortuneately was given bad news regarding my shoulder and as a contractor whom knows only how to use my hands to work It has me freaked out beyond belief. I have sought counselling and been diagnosed for PTSD 2x’s and to be honest only till recently I am starting to understand this illness of PTSD (as ADD/ADHD is not enough). Funny Most information I get is from the internet and of course you have to navigate and evaluate the legitimate information from the bad. I have recently began to get through some of the PTSD issues but others have been much more challenging….. I have found myself keeping my feelings and issues inside although I know that is the worst thing I can do (Thank goodness there are a couple of newer websites that have forums and etc that again have really begun to help).

    My question is has anyone gone through the issues of PTSD while having been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD? and more imporantly how did you handle it if it forced a career change and you had to (YIKES) possibly go back to school / college /vocatioal trainning that you atttempted before and failled at the young age of 48! I guess with all the bad new regarding the economy I feel there is NO real opportunities out there….. Come on this is America how can that be! That is what I ask myself everyday! (I have witnessed much brighter and educated persons than I not be able to find work) Yep been to the Dept of Labor Div of Vocational Rehabilitation and thankfully they are willing to assist but again I have to be willing and able to go forward with trainning but the reality is surgery and recovery is lengthy and the fiscal constraints I am in leaves little choices as without being able to use my body I am very limited I feel. Suggestions anyone? Yep I have tried to do little things offered by family painting rooms, light shovelling of snow even cooking (weird…. cooking i always enjoyed as a hobby but i find myself shaking inside when just handling the knife to cut a piece of meat now) to which I can do for short limited bursts but there is great pain (to which I have always had a great threshold) to which really restricts my abilities…….


    Post count: 14413

    I’m sorry that you’re going through this :(

    I think it’s really important to find a therapist who specializes /has experience with PTSD. Some therapists have a sliding fee scale.

    If you haven’t seen it yet, I’d recommend watching this documentary: http://www.cbc.ca/documentaries/natureofthings/2010/changingyourmind/

    It looks at some groundbreaking research being done with propranolol and PTSD.

    Propranolol is a widely available blood pressure medication, so I’ve asked my family doctor if he would be willing to prescribe some so I can try doing this treatment with my therapist. He’s reading up on it to figure out dosing.

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