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Qs about being Inattentive ADD

Qs about being Inattentive ADD2010-12-26T20:23:37+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? Inattention/Distractibility/Focus Qs about being Inattentive ADD

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    Post count: 31

    Can one still be classic inattenitve ADD if they are super organised and buying, say her husband, organisational gifts for Christmas? :-) I was tested recently and the facilitator came up with the same sub-type as the online rough test this site offers, but she worded much of it differently. She kept saying I would be tripped up on small words like it, the, and, etc. I don’t think that applies to my forgetting words all together and needed to close my eyes to visualise the first letter of the word for the object or place I’m trying to say the word for. EX: I will forget basic words (nothing challenging) like basement or chair in conversations that I’m having about either or referencing them in passing. I will completely blank on the word for what feels like 10 seconds before my brain resets itself. Does that sound like it’s part of inattentive ADD to any of you?

    Also, what if I feel I have a salad bar plate full of symptoms from each of the 6 kinds of ADD classifications? Is that common? I’m not sure what to think or do now. Any help you can all shed on this for me would be greatly appreciated. I love this informative community. I really do. *smooches*


    Post count: 14413

    Huh? What did you say?


    Post count: 40

    @Stacerella. I scored 18. Now what… I forget names of people I’ve known for years. I couldn’t state my age to the judge under oath. Under pressure, I’m easily flustered. It is what it is. As Dudley Moore said in Arthur, “Sometimes I just think funny stuff.”

    You’ll get by.

    I don’t necessarily want to paraphrase, but as for Bob L’s reply… Wait, what?


    Post count: 913

    LOL – I have a lot of trouble in the check-out line when they ask my home phone or zip code at the register. I must look like some sort of scammer or something when I have to turn to my cell phone to look those up!

    I can have a great thought, then get it part way out and get lost on a very simple word that most folks would easily know. Not as small as the, or it, or really short common words used every 5 minutes, but medium words I stumble on a lot. Then 5 minutes later it comes to me.

    Probably why I’m so anxious to blurt out my thoughts WHILE they are still there and I can state them, as in 2 seconds, I’ll loose the keys to those thoughts.

    Scatter-brained, that’s me. I aced the online test here – got a perfect score, yes to all, and a mega yes to several


    Post count: 14413

    I nailed all the attention based questions…but only a couple of each of the other catagories…like you guys I forget

    simple stuff…names can drive me crazy sometimes…57 years old and just starting to see the light thanks to the

    video on PBS. Now what????? LOL. I feel for my wife who is definitely not ADD…and is very frustrated with me.

    I am hanging on by my fingernails…


    Post count: 14413

    I’ll take a shot here. Stacerella…I find as I read different areas of this site and different posts that we are as different and the same as any and everybody else. What I mean is….it appears to me there is no stereo ADD or ADHD type…there are some commonalities in brain function and processing patterns and some personality characteristics associated with all that but….after that….we are all very individual. Like anybody else. We also seem to have issues because we are not the mainstream majority and the mainstream has issues with us…wow circular eh!!!! Hahahahahahh.

    Anyway….back on topic. Some folks seem to be more or less visionary in their thinking than others, maybe others have more or less attention issues…..while yet others may be extremely hyper. Other folks have issues with just plain being different than mainstream, other revel in the difference??? The nice part of this site is you may find yourself or parts of yourself on one or many of the posts, or you may find hidden parts of yourself you have never considered before. So, we seem to have people from all walks of life too… from company CEOs, to artists, mechanics, gardeners……to people who are still looking for their way, working, retired, successful, struggling. Seems like any other cross section of society????

    Best thing I did for me….. was to find out who I was…inside…who I really was. I needed to know what things were really important to me and why!!! Then I needed to understand how I worked (my brain) why things seemed different for me. After that……my next task was finding my path (not what somebody told me my path was..but… my path) and exploiting my gift to the best purpose I could. It is different for everybody…..there are many people’s life stories on this site….but….they are their stories. They may help?? Knowledge is always good. Sharing is always great!!!

    ….good to have you on-board…


    Hope this was food for thought……


    Post count: 913

    uhhhhh, please don’t mention food today……………


    Post count: 31

    Thanks, everyone. The reason I threw out those questions is because she seems to think she can help my ID-ADD but for a king’s ransom (with documented success stories and references if I would like them). I’d feel more confident she could in fact help if I felt she nailed me to even an 80% accuracy. Seems steep for a 50% accuracy from testing, no? My husband was thrown with the cost, but turned around a second later and said it it would help… I love him. *swoon*

    I’m more apt to believe most of my problems stem not from ID-ADD predominately but from something called ADS (auditory deficit syndrome). I read this page (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auditory_processing_disorder) about the syndrome, and I felt I had been pegged to a T, 90%, without any doubts or questions more than what she said she felt was going on with me.

    How I will reconcile this with her remains to be seen, but I’m leaning towards declining her offer to help… for now.

    *le sigh*

    Anyway… back to work. My husband is talking to me as I type this, and all I hear is Charlie Brown’s teacher. I have to get off the computer and go over to where he’s standing and ask him to repeat what he said, again. He hates repeating himself, too. Great. :-

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