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Rick's Presentation for the Ontario Brain Institute

Rick's Presentation for the Ontario Brain Institute2015-03-30T15:46:21+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey My Story Rick's Presentation for the Ontario Brain Institute

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    Patte Rosebank
    Post count: 1517

    On March 24, 2015, the Ontario Brain Institute hosted a free public talk about leading a full life with Parkinson’s, Epilepsy, or ADHD. All three presenters were inspiring and educational!

    Rick gave a shortened version of his new one-man show, “My Award-Winning, Coast-to-Coast, Internationally-Acclaimed Mental Disorder”.

    Here’s the video of his performance: https://youtu.be/VTztfA9UDOI?list=PLX9no3loE0hL9ILw-x0z8lkvM4PCiNZPt

    And the video of the Panel Discussion: https://youtu.be/p-DZru_TDRg?list=PLX9no3loE0hL9ILw-x0z8lkvM4PCiNZPt


    Post count: 32

    Dear Rick and team, I really enjoyed your presentation and will share it with some friends and family. Like you I initially felt only relief when I was recently diagnosed – profound relief. I’m struggling a bit with the ‘if only I had known at 25, my life would have been happier and healthier’, but at last I understand. Your website gives me courage and a feeling of union as I come to terms with my past and try and work out what my future will look like. Thank you everyone x


    Post count: 60

    7% of kids have it, 4.4% of adults have it (70% of us have comorbid disorders like depression, 85% of folks don’t know they have it!) Wow Rick, those are startling stats man! Everyone ought to watch this! Keep educating Rick -Hats off to you!!!

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