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risperdal ? Dr. Amens add types ..

risperdal ? Dr. Amens add types ..2011-12-30T02:05:50+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Side Effects General risperdal ? Dr. Amens add types ..

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    I cant get a brain scan in western Canada. Read Dr. Amen’s Healing ADD and it is an interesting theory … from the descriptions i could be either a 3 or a 6 or neither. I was curious about some of his suggested treatments .

    He suggests high protein low carb .. and Risperdal. Copied it and sounds like serious stuff. Has anyone experienced

    Dr. Amen’s work first hand to know how much works or not?

    So much about ADHD seems to be a mulit pronged approach .. exercise, food, rest, calming/meditation … just curious .

    Risperidone is used to treat schizophrenia, bipolar mania [as a sole therapy or combination therapy with lithium (Eskalith, Lithobid) or valproate (Depakene, Depacon) and for the treatment of irritability associated with autistic disorder in children and adolescents. Clinical studies involving small numbers of patients have shown some benefit in using risperidone for stuttering and Tourette syndrome (non FDA-approved uses). Another non-FDA approved use of risperidone is for obsessive-compulsive disorders.

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