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Ritalin but thinking I need more.

Ritalin but thinking I need more.2010-12-13T16:15:28+00:00

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    Post count: 14413

    I’m newly diagnosed and taking 20mg Ritalin twice daily. Not been a week yet but haven’t had any type of ‘fog lifting’ experience. I am primarily inattention subtype with some impulsive tendencies. I have a lot of pent up depression from being out of work since feb. and stress from money issues, worried wife and lack of good job prospects. Not to mention the depression and guilt I feel for wasting the past 47 years.

    Should I speak to my Dr about anti-depressants or should I give the Ritalin more time to work?

    What has worked for others?

    Really need help here. I keep edging toward the cliff. Permanently.


    Post count: 14413

    I took 20mg this morning about 2.5 hours ago. The feeling is one of restlessness. In a good way though. I want to get started on a couple of things I need ot get done. Same time last week I’d just be surfing the internet while watching tv the whole day. Now I just want to get the projects started and get them done. (reason I don’t is my wife doesn’t leave for work for another 45 minutes and I try to spend the time with her)


    Patte Rosebank
    Post count: 1517

    20 mg of Ritalin twice daily sounds rather high for a starting dose. My doctor started me at 10 mg once a day for the first week, then twice a day for the second. You might want to ask your pharmacist about this.

    That sudden feeling of wanting to get things done is the Ritalin doing its thing. For me, after the first few days, I suddenly began dealing with all the clutter that had accumulated in my apartment. A lot of it was still in a big heap in the middle of the floor, from the time I’d moved in, 3 years ago. Now, it’s gone. Most of it went to the Goodwill, and the rest is now neatly put away (more or less).

    Please don’t think you’ve “wasted the past 47 years”. You have had an undiagnosed medical condition, which has made it difficult for you to do things. It’s not your fault you have this condition. It’s not your fault that nobody suspected you might have it, not even you. And if you never suspected you had it, then how could you have done anything about it? Instead of thinking about all you’ve not accomplished, think about all you HAVE accomplished.

    Also, think about all the good things that come with having ADHD. We’re usually very caring and empathic, and more creative and imaginative than the average person. We also usually have a better sense of humour, and an innocence that makes us seem much younger than we actually are. There are lots of other good points. Just look around for them.

    As for your Depression, ADHD often shows up with co-morbidities like Depression and Anxiety. Often, the co-morbidities come from a lifetime of struggling to function properly with ADHD, and wondering why everyone else can do things so quickly & easily, but you have to struggle for much longer to do them even half as well. In other words, they’re the symptoms, but the ADHD is the root cause.

    The stress and lack of purpose that come from unemployment will make the symptoms of any mental or mood disorder much worse. You can do some things to reduce those symptoms, but ultimately, you may need an anti-depressant. If so, your doctor should carefully check whether it’s safe to mix the anti-depressant with the Ritalin.

    You might also do well to see a psychologist for some cognitive behavioural therapy. This can help you to understand your thoughts and feelings, and learn how to change the bad thoughts to more positive ones. You could do this one-on-one, or within a group therapy setting.

    Now, for those things you can do on your own…

    1. Eat properly. Easier said than done, I know, especially since, when you’re depressed, you tend to really crave carbs. I find that Smart pasta (white pasta with extra high fibre content) satisfies the craving, and the fibre means you won’t be hungry again for a few hours.

    2. Exercise. Even going for a 20-minute walk will help to lift your spirits and clear your mind.

    3. Take vitamins. A good multi-vitamin, plus Omega 3-6-9, and Vitamin D (at least 1000 I.U. daily). The Vitamin D is what you’d normally get from the sun, except that, now it’s winter, sunlight is in very short supply.

    4. Get enough sleep. Go to bed at a regular hour, and get up at a regular hour. Lack of sleep, and messed-up circadian rhythm will make your symptoms worse.

    5. Consider full-spectrum light therapy. This is effective at reducing the symptoms of depression (particularly winter depression, or Seasonal Affective Disorder) and ADHD.


    Post count: 14413

    ” and wondering why everyone else can do things so quickly & easily, but you have to struggle for much longer to do them even half as well.”

    I really don’t have that issue. With me, i take a job I instanlty succeed. for a time I am an overacheiver, then i get bored, lose interest and want out. Sometimes this take years to happen. In the meantime i get passed over for promotions, people think I am confrontational, not a people person, quick to anger. In one job, I was starting to be by-passed because everybody thought I wasn’t a team player. Finally I blew up and quit. Never saw a reaon to write a 100 word politically correct diatribe email when the word ‘no’ or ‘yes’ would suffice.

    I’ve never understood why those I went to H.s with are enjoying much better lives than I even though they showed no intelligence in school. I always tested high on standardized test. took all the college prep classes but was never more than a b- student. sailed through junior college but dropped out twice once I moved on to a University. Never had to study until then but could never sit down and do it. I would go to the library to study and end up looking at all the others studying rather than on my work.

    My bigger issue is why do those who are admittedly less talented move ahead while I am discarded.

    Maybe I don’t have A.D.D.. maybe I’m just an ass.


    Post count: 14413

    I dunno,Duecedog….maybe you ARE an ass (don’t know ya,so, couldn’t tell ya)but sounds like ADD to me! Incidentally, I’ve read studies that say that those with the “inattention sub-type” (aka ADD as opposed to ADHD, according to those studies) actually benefit from smaller doses than hyperactive types.


    Post count: 14413

    and, btw, antidepressants are a godsend for me!


    Post count: 14413

    I AM going to try the exercise thing. Never could muster the will to do that. If anything I’ll start taking the dog for a walk. (He’s getting fat) No money to join a gym. I go to bed at a fairly set time each night but have to have the TV on til I fall asleep. Wife turns it off. I take a multivitamin every day as well as 4k mil of Lovaza daily for high triglicerides.

    For a while 20 odd years ago I self medicated (I guess that’s what it’s called) with illegal speed pills. We called them mini-whites. got busted charges dropped. Hard to believe but I truthfully started taking them to make me a better worker. In high school I took Vivarin (caffiene ablets) to keep me alert. Experimentedd with LSD and marijuana. Friends did as well.

    True stroy. We were sitting around one Sunday after dropping acid the day before. We really enjoyed acid. None of us were stupid (but we WERE young) so we were aware of the long term effects of the drug and over use of it. I brought up in conversation about the real downside of dropping acid was that it made us realize how much reality sucked. Since we knew we could not trip 100% of the time, we decided to stop using it so we would not experience the ‘reality sucks’ phenom and get used to a sucky life. Kind of like if you’ve never had chocolate, you don’t crave it.

    I’ve tried marijuana but haven’t taken anything illegal in 18-20 years. don’t intend to try anything again either. Too old for such foolishness.

    Another true story (I have tons of them). Last time I smoked pot I did so alone. I was recently fired from a job and admittedly depressed. I thought I’d smoke a joint and ‘relax’. It had the affect of making me even more depressed. I felt like alice falling down the rabbit hole. Kept sinking and falling. I really believe had I had a firearm handy that day I would have ended it. ended up falling asleep. When I woke up I flushed the pot I had left and haven’t tried it since.

    Cocaine? Never. Knew too many people who ruined themselves and their families with it. I also was afraid I’d like it and it never was cheap.

    All along I’ve drank alcohol to stupidity. My Dr. tells me that is one way that men especially cope with ADD until they’ve been diagnosed. Did I mention I was voted ‘best drinker Class of ’82’ in HS?

    Through all of this I never went to work impaired. Hung over? Many times. Never drunk though.

    I don’t have a dependency on alcohol. I can go months without drinking and never feel the ‘need’ to drink. Some days I’ll say to myslef “I’m going to have a beer when I get home.” I get home, and completely forget to have a beer. I really like the taste of beer. Always said if they could make a non-alcoholic beer that tasted worth a crap I’d quit soda altogether.

    But when I have the opportunity to drink, watch out, I have a hollow leg. Always have. Binge drinking not a problem. Other times I only have a cocktail with dinner.


    Post count: 14413

    My friends find me to be loyal, trustworthy, brutally honest. Generous to a fault. I’m the guy they can call in the middle of the night and I’ll be there to help them. I don’t hold grudges for anything done to me. I DO hold grudges for anything done to my family.


    Post count: 14413

    Might add that I had my IQ tested a few years ago. I came in at 135. And i really believe I am the least intelligent of all my siblings. Point of bringing this up is I should have done better in everythign throughout my life. Never knew why finishing a book was so hard. In school finishing a chapter and actually keeping the knowledge was very difficult. Would read page after page of text and have to stop and do it over because even though I read the words I didn’t ‘hear’ them. Mind would wander.

    Kind of like my posts.


    Post count: 14413

    MY problem with the exercise thing is the hyperfocusing thing: If I start out the day walking,all I want to do that day is walk; if I break up my workday with a walk (or going into town to the gym) it’s hard to refocus on work when I get back….

    So,wanna hear MY most recent true story? Sunday before last I’m at a fair (that’s how I make my living) A friend walks into my booth and asks if I want a bite of her brownie. I ask, half-jokingly “Is it a regular brownie or a funny brownie” She laughs and itimates that it’s a regular brownie…well, to make a long story short,it was NOT a regular brownie! Now,I haven’t smoked pot in 20 years– can’t handle the anxiety, and,let’s face it, with having ADD, I’m already discombobulated enough as it is–so it takes me awhile to figure out what was going on,and I had a long drive home…luckily,I had to drop something off at my son’s house,cuz there was no way I could make it the 1/2 hours…

    I kinda like your’ posts too! I think what makes ADD so hard is that we live i a society that has less use for our’ strengths: in a hunter/gatherer society, we’d be stars!


    Post count: 38

    Yep, duecedog,

    Definitely ADD. No doubt in my mind. Man, you are damn hard on yourself. I guess we all are. To bad. I think men take things out on themselves differently than do women. Men seem to really think that they are just losers, and if they really wanted to, they could just yank on their man pants and pull up there boot straps and do better. My husband does this to himself. Its a never ending cycle ofIm going to buck up and do better,` which works for a bit, but when the boredem sets in again, the self berating and the depression kicks in.

    Keep trying to find the right meds and maybe some counseling –scary idea for some blokes, but do try, because it helps. I know its friggin frustrating being this way (trust me, I know! Ive been fired more times than I can count.) You dont suck. I`m somehow sure of it.


    Post count: 38

    Yep, duecedog,

    Definitely ADD. No doubt in my mind. Man, you are damn hard on yourself. I guess we all are. To bad. I think men take things out on themselves differently than do women. Men seem to really think that they are just losers, and if they really wanted to, they could just yank on their man pants and pull up there boot straps and do better. My husband does this to himself. Its a never ending cycle ofIm going to buck up and do better,` which works for a bit, but when the boredem sets in again, the self berating and the depression kicks in.

    Keep trying to find the right meds and maybe some counseling –scary idea for some blokes, but do try, because it helps. I know its friggin frustrating being this way (trust me, I know! Ive been fired more times than I can count.) You dont suck. I`m somehow sure of it.


    Post count: 14413

    I’m in awe of the positive reinforcement everybody has given me here in the short time I’ve been posting. My Dr. prescribed Remerol (anti-depressant). I take it before I go to bed as it makes you sleepy. I don’t know if it is the drug or that I am getting a full night’s sleep but my attitude seems to be better. My anxiety level seems lower than before and I am more optomistic about getting employment and actually want to get out and search for work. I had pretty much given up trying.

    Dr. gave me the okay to decrease the dosage of Ritalin. I’ll try that starting with my next dose.

    I’m open to seeing a therapist to deal with past issues but money is too tight right now. that will have to wait until I find employment. I think just knowing that the past is in part due to this condition and not a character flaw will help keep me focused on what I will be rather than what I was. I feel it would be incorrect to not accept some of the blame for the past. I’ve always known what was right and even given this condition, I should have done the right thing.

    Thanks to all.

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