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July 2, 2010 at 11:39 pm #88445
AnonymousInactiveJuly 2, 2010 at 11:39 pmPost count: 14413I just wanted to share some of the resources that I’ve discovered recently.
About us: our house is a messy disaster, we can hardly pass each other in rooms because there is so much clutter. We know we need to do something but it’s been almost impossible for us to do it, we are either too tired, overwhelmed by it all, emotionally attached to some of the stuff, or way too distracted by other things we’d rather be doing. The house and its exterior have been ignored maintenance-wise for a number of years, but we decided this year we would start to tackle some of the issues and de-clutter. My husband self-diagnosed himself with ADD about 4 years ago and I am starting to realize that I have it too (my mom had it as well, and I think my older brother has it too, certainly his son does).
Website: – this is a FREE online organizer, no need to write things down (you can print them out if you need to), organize by date, priority, project, subproject, categories, etc. I used to be addicted to writing lists but this is way easier and my handwritten lists are much shorter now.
Book: FINDING YOUR FOCUS by Judith Greenbaum and Geraldine Markel – practical day to day stuff for adults with ADD or those who live with one (I think we are a two-spouse with ADD family). Ways to become more focused and organized.
Book: GETTING THINGS DONE by David Allen – this got me going on the paperchase, how to get my to-do list out of my head in a way that would convince me that I didn’t have to keep thinking about it (in case I forget to do something). But since I have a habit of list-writing, I ended up with the website to manage this for me. It’s a good book for how to organize files and how to deal with your inbox so that it doesn’t get swamped.
Book: ADD-Friendly Ways to Organize Your Life by Judith Kolberg & Kathleen Nadeau – someone on chat on the recent webinar (June 30th) recommended this book so I picked it up from the library today.
In the past few weeks, we have managed to clean up a small corner of our basement (it’s a start) and in one day we actually weeded and trimmed trees and shrubs in our garden (all the yard waste went to the curb or landfill the next day). And we weren’t wiped out by it. Completely amazing!
REPORT ABUSEJuly 7, 2010 at 6:58 pm #94554
AnonymousInactiveJuly 7, 2010 at 6:58 pmPost count: 22Susan – thank you so much for posting all of these resources! Very much appreciated!
REPORT ABUSEJuly 11, 2010 at 7:39 pm #94555
AnonymousInactiveJuly 11, 2010 at 7:39 pmPost count: 14413Great resources. Thanks.
REPORT ABUSEJuly 11, 2010 at 7:50 pm #94556Right away I can see how is going to work well for me. Thanks Susan.
REPORT ABUSEAugust 4, 2010 at 4:37 pm #94557
AnonymousInactiveAugust 4, 2010 at 4:37 pmPost count: 14413Just thought I’d chime in with one that helps me bunches. Evernote
It is available for PC, Mac, Iphone/Ipod Touch, Windows Mobile, Palm and Android. And they can all integrate together.
Need to remember something away from your PC? Just record it on your phone/ Ipod Touch then it’s available when you get home on your PC.
Very helpful especially if you have a camera on your phone. No need to write it out just snap a picture.
And best of all it is free.
REPORT ABUSEAugust 4, 2010 at 11:07 pm #94558
AnonymousInactiveAugust 4, 2010 at 11:07 pmPost count: 22Great tip, soulrive! I love Evernote as I’m always finding things I want to save, and it’s nice to have the ability on the go. Thanks for sharing this great resource with the community!
REPORT ABUSEAugust 26, 2010 at 8:58 pm #94559
AnonymousInactiveAugust 26, 2010 at 8:58 pmPost count: 14413Here’s a weird thing, I do way way way better if I actually just work with a short list. I used to write long lists, of like, everything I could htink of,c ause I felt like if I didn’t get it down somewhere I’d forget it, at least until someone called and said, “Where is that thing you were going to drop off.” or “The dentist is waiting for you. Where are you?” (Uhhh… uh oh.)
Now I just write down a few things, the ones I really have to do today. Mostly I focus on the stuff I hate, the stuff that’s gonna make my skin crawl and just suck the life force out of me to read it, “Get the contract to the lawyer.” or “do the invoicing for all the last month.”
I used to list a ton of other stuff, things like call my girlfriend, call various friends, making each friend a separate to do. So I’d get all these things done, like doing my weight lifting or emptying the garbage or whatever, and never feel very good about it afterwards cause the lawyer and the invoices would still be there.
Now I list only the horrible stuff. And I just really focus on breaking those down into quick steps, trying to make them fun. (What a concept!?) or at least really imagining what it will be like to have it done, how great I’ll feel. Like it’s a really big victory. Cause for me, it is. I’m finding I’m getting the stuff I hate the most done.