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Shortage of Meds reality not myth….And US govt is to blame for high cost !!!

Shortage of Meds reality not myth….And US govt is to blame for high cost !!!2011-05-11T14:07:11+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Shortage of Meds reality not myth….And US govt is to blame for high cost !!!

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    There is a great article about how the USA DEA and FDA may be partly(mostly) to blame for the shortage and high price of medications like that of Adderal and etc. It is a great article and really should create a concern for all on any type ADHD medications. A representative from SHIRE is quoted in the article as well. I have to wonder and I would like feedback from the totally add headmasters as well on this question. We all talk about the high cost of ADHD medications and it seems the manufacturing of active ingredients and the active ingredients rationing needed for certain effective ADHD medications are controlled by the FDA and DEA and it seems they have as usual been a day to late and short on the release of these ingredients to manufacturers because of the unforeseen increases in the diagnosis ADHD.

    Now not being a rocket scientist if the the Idiots at these agencies released sufficient supply would that not reduce costs of the medications not only to the patient but to all taxpayers DUH is not the US govt thru assistance programs like Medicaid and med-care paying the drug companies to supply these meds…… How F-ing stupid are the morons in these government agencies costing all taxpayers money solely because of mismanagement…I have to wonder is there a benefit to the drug manufacturers as they can keep prices high. is it to the benefit of the drug stores because they can charge more or is it another way the government has fund a way it can control us in need. Or is it a combination of all the above? It is really time for us (How many millions are there on these medications in the USA) to stand up and vote the dumbbells that are responsible for this unnecessary havoc out of there cushy do nothing jobs! And get some real persons that are true Americans that will look out for Americans and not foreign blood sucking entities ripping Americans off……..

    Article can be viewed by “Googling”… Medical News Today Lack of ADHD med ingredients May 11, 2011

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