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sluggish cognitive tempo

sluggish cognitive tempo2010-10-31T19:28:33+00:00

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    Post count: 14413

    Yes, I have finally found my diagnosis. I was on stimulants for five months. What a huge mistake.I was crazy. What a horrible time. I am still embarrassed by who I was , especially Adderral. Worst time of my life. I cold turkeyed and had a horrribe summer. Barkley says that this is a sepatate disorder. I agree. Cognitive behavior therapy works. Exercise. Diet. Is there anything else that I should be doing?


    Post count: 14413

    Hi buster!

    I read everything I can get my hands on about ADD, and the buddies it brings to the mix.

    For me, the more I know, the more I can help understand certain things.

    Don’t be hard on yourself about the medication. People have to understand that chemicals affect you in both good and bad ways and there may be ups and downs.

    I don’t take meds but I still ride the roller coaster at times…maybe more extreme than other folks but hey, we’re all different

    I have read here that a lot of ADDers find that coffee helps them. For me caffiene is poison and makes me extremely depressed for some reason. I also have to avoid sugar..same thing. I can have it in small doses.

    Body chemistry can be such a weird thing.


    Post count: 14413

    Thanks MerryMac,

    I appreciate your comments. I just have to remind myself that it was the meds, not me. It’s tough being a perfectionist.


    Post count: 14413

    I have been looking in Cognitive problems there is a school the Aerosmith school in Toronto. They do computer programs for cognitive problems. If you go on youtube and type in the brain that change itself or neroplasisty can’t spell that one or CBC.ca go to online video and click on the Nature Of things and watch the documentray on The Brain that change itself. In Neroplassity there on the leading edge of Brain fucntion problems. They found the brain can rewire itself. The School Arrowsmith School in Toronto the women who founded it read here story she had all kinds of problems. they put here theroy to test in regarding adhad and learning problems. They are now trying to get her program in schools arcross CANDA. Because of brain scannes that they can take while the brain is functioning the can see what part isnt’ working. Research show when they do before and after the brain went normal after cognitive computer program therpy. They say that with adhd and learning problem when one part of the brain miss fires it cause’s the rest of the brain to miss fire. I finally feel that there is hope. They are on the leading edlge of all this. But go on youtube go on Arrowsmith website I found it started me on a whole new path. I have hope Clamdigger


    Post count: 14413

    Hi buster


    Beating yourself up gets to be almost automatic, especially when you are a perfectionist.

    It’s a little monster that gets bigger every time you feed it.

    Feels good to put it in a little cage!

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