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Starting Vyvanse

Starting Vyvanse2013-12-10T13:53:15+00:00

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    Post count: 906

    This is my first day on 20mg Vyvanse.

    So far, so good. Feeling a little dizzy and maybe having a bit of nausea. (not sure the nausea is from the medication)

    It’s too soon to tell but my initial impression is good. I feel very calm and relaxed and a little less foggy than usual. I am still getting distracted from what I *should* be doing but I am aware that I am distracted and haven’t completely forgotten what I need to do.

    I will post updates as I go. I am scheduled to stay on the 20mg for 30 days after which it will be increased to 30 mg if I am tolerating it okay.


    Post count: 906

    I guess I should update this, since I started it.

    So, it’s day 5 now, and I feel really good. The last few days I didn’t feel well and I was very anxious. and I was almost more scattered than usual. But today I woke up feeling more rested and energetic than usual and very relaxed again.

    The only problem is that my memory has been pretty bad. Forgetting to put things away when I come home from shopping, locking myself out of the house, losing things. It’s actually a little worse than usual.

    Has anyone else experienced this when first starting a medication, having your symptoms get worse? Is it just a part of adjusting to it?


    Post count: 119

    I was hoping to find some notes that I may have taken while on Focalin or Vyvanse. I’ve got a box full of completed CBT “Thought and Feelings” worksheets along with multiple notebooks from two years of therapy and (so I thought) notes on medication. Maybe they are somewhere, but I can’t find them. I just ran across 3 or 4 sheets with limited notes that mention medication affects.

    Taken from notes: Vyvanse – Taking 20 Mg (1 Capsule), Muscles slightly relaxed, not disconnected, not bored, slight happy feeling, aware of depression and negative thoughts, slight anxiety and worry, no major side effects, everything seems clear, felt like crying maybe related to slight euphoria.

    Vyvanse or Focalin – Not Sure: Still sense of being overwhelmed, muscles relaxed and feel slightly heavy, ability to sit for long periods of time, improved capacity to converse, ability to read and understand what I’m reading, doing tasks more slowly and deliberately, some impulsivity improvements, some calming in mind, level of work output decreased but accuracy increased, not driven by hyperactivity and must now decide what to do, still anxious, drug creates some feelings of depression as it wears off, some fear and worry as drug wears off.

    I no longer take Vyvanse or Focalin. Let me make one important note. I was impatient with both and I was not always consistent when dosing. This can create a bit of an emotional roller coaster. It’s just really hard to be patient. I eventually started on Ritalin which proved to be the most effective for me. It’s a pain to take it every 3 to 4 hours though so after my next appointment I’ll move to Concerta or extended release Ritalin XR. A dose between 5mg and 10mg range has proven best for me with the Ritalin.

    Side note: I do remember some slight dizziness with both Focalin and Vyvanse. Not like a spinning room or anything just a bit off balance if that makes sense.

    Not sure this helps you any. Wish I had taken better notes.

    You would think I would remember this stuff, right…:)


    Post count: 906


    Thank you, that is very helpful. I’m surprised at the detail of your notes. I’m really bad at keeping notes about anything.

    Your description of the dizzy feeling makes perfect sense. Sort of like spinning on the inside rather than the room spinning. But I often get that so I’m not sure how much it’s related to the medication.

    I have felt like crying off and on too, though overall I feel happier than usual. I have been assuming it’s just my brain adjusting.

    The psych who prescribed the Vyvanse told me they don’t like to use Ritalin anymore because it is too short acting. But I think I liked the way I felt with it better. But it’s hard to remember because it was 10 years ago and I wasn’t on it for very long.

    Ability to sit for long periods of time is not something I need to have increased. I am not overly hyperactive so sitting is no problem. It’s more the getting up and getting going, and then keeping going, that I have a problem with.

    I am usually very inconsistent with taking meds but I have been putting extra effort into it lately. I have consistently taken my Welbutrin for several months and I haven’t missed the Vyvanse yet. I don’t take them at the same time every day because mornings are still a challenge but I try to keep as close to the same time as possible.

    today my focus seemed a little better.  got all the jobs I had set out to do done, though it took longer than I had expected. I am still very sleepy but I had more energy for a longer period of time today. The sleepy feeling didn’t hit until around 9:00 pm. And now I am having difficulty concentrating on anything, even typing this, so it’s time to go to bed.


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