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    Post count: 14413

    So I ask you fellow ADDers what kind of social movements can we propose on the world to make this disorder more acceptable. I want my kids to go into school with every available option possible so they can have the success I did not have in my primary school years.

    I want teachers to be aware of the Disorder. I want employers to be aware of the disorder. We are losing to many great minds to A socially constructed belief about our disorder.

    This website is great and I have been recommending it to everyone i meet. I want to do things too. I think at some point we should all get together and create a National Day for ADHD? Sounds crazy and stupid but I want this day. I want to be a spokes person who travels from school to school. I am going to try and create new programs for schools to work with. I know this is asking a lot. But if everyone could think of ideas we may get somewheres.

    I applaud Rick for being so open about this at such an old age and he is a true inspiration. I would like to join him in his efforts to make things aware. I have put my student statement down and it has been published for my university. It was placed in a brochure for the school. I will continue to do things on a individual level and hope I can gather up more and more people as I go.

    Womens rights were achieved (somewhat) by hard work and social movements, Racism was brought to justice (somewhat) by a social movement. Hell, even liqour was banned because of a social movement. My point is that a bunch of people stood up for what they believed in and followed through with it.

    The power is in us. If we unite than we can fight. Keep up the awsome blogs you guys. It is truely an inspiration to read everyone of your testimonies.


    Post count: 53

    Yay! It’s so great to hear someone else think the way I do! We can do it!

    I think the best way to get through to people or at least to try would be through technology as our society is completely enveloped in and intertwined with it. Also, the general public (95ish%) of which being non ADD don’t have the patience to sit through any kind of informational video unless it is very short and stimulating…How IRONIC!!! But this is the sad reality. That unless we can grab people’s attention (YES I said ATTENTION) and make it compelling and visually interesting and varied and above all consice it will probably be overpassed as unworthy of their click. I suggest a video because I think it’s the best way to infultrate the social awareness buble so to speak. Maybe a video could be created that could be circulated of Facebook?


    Post count: 53

    Maybe something that emphasizes the following points:

    Think ADD has nothing to do with you?

    Chances are you know someone with ADD…There could be someone you work with, are related to, are friends with that sufferes from ADD that may just not have revealed their diagnosis to you or they may not even be aware they have it and be struggling every day assuming that their character is somehow flawed and they are consistanty failing to live up to their potential in many aspects of their life.

    There exists a huge stigma and yet ADD happens to be one of the most greatly scientifically understood disorders that exist

    and it is highly treatable

    There have been over 7,000 research studies carryied out regarding ADD some spanning over several decades

    Results prove that there are actual neurobiological differences that certain people are born with that carry throughout their enitre lives

    It involves the executive functioning and self regulating parts of the brain. This ‘difference’ is not only very real but also greatly impacts the lives of people born with this difference and those around them. This is not a matter of willing yourself to be able to do something a certain way or holding yourself back. It is a struggle everyday and those that suffer with this need our support and above all our UNDERSTANDING. Let’s abolish the stigma once and for all!

    Join us in this revolution. Instead of assuming someone is lazy or selfish let’s recognize thier efforts no matter how small and realize their willpower and motivation is MEDICALLY impeded.

    Instead of assuming someone is stupid, dumb, flighty, flakey, careless, inconsiderate, let’s realize that it might be hard for these people to carry out simple steps in sequential order, organize/prioritize or remember details and does not necessarily mean they do not care about you enough to do things to help out or to remember what you say. When they interrupt you over and over and blurt words out without thinking them through first please realize that you have a filter which allows you to think your words and actions through before carriying them out. Imagine if you did not? Imagine if every day your mouth and body acted reactively without any kind of regulating filter. Imagine getting dissapointed looks from those you love, respect and esteem on a daily basis your entire life. Maybe just consider this the next time you go to make an assumption about someone you know with ADD. You DO have a filter so why not use the education you do have on ADD and use your filter before assuming the worst.

    Medical imepidements (or disorders if you preffer to call it that) are never an EXCUSE for behaviour that hurts others however when someone you know with ADD does something that inconvieniences you what if you give them the BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT before assuming the worst. Thank you from everyone affected by ADD (Yes that more than likely includes you) as you probably know someone with ADD whether you realize it or not and have become affected/ upset/frustrated/ etc… by something they have done.

    So what do you think of this idea? Something along these lines? I’m no Doctor or expert by any means so it would have to be reviewed and polished by some experts for sure.

    Let me know what you think? Maybe we can put a short video together and circulate it on Facebook. If each of us showed it to everyone on our friends lists imagine how many people that would reach?


    Post count: 14413

    Sherri27— I love it hahaha. I am lovin every bit of it. I have some school work to complete tonight. Last exam than only one semester left and I am done of my first degree. I think you have something with the video. There is also nothign like a guest speaker/motivational/inspirational. I think that would be an awsome idea to do that as well.

    You have really good ideas. Lets keep this idea going. It will take time and I know we are all impatient so bare with it.

    I am in full support of this and will work at it as much as possible on all my free time. i have been thinking the last couple of days taht I am going to dedicate a large part of my life to making this aware across the world.

    Talk soon I hope

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