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Stimulants and how they affect those in there late 40's and beyond

Stimulants and how they affect those in there late 40's and beyond2011-03-16T15:53:30+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Psychostimulants – General Stimulants and how they affect those in there late 40's and beyond

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    OK I admit I have ADHD… One of the reasons I have decided to tackle this head on is because of this site and all the information it offered including first hand experiences of all you ADDers out there. So I am reaching out to all you ADDers and the Staff here at TotallyADD.com. Has anyone seen any studies or research on the effects these ADHD medications might have not only now on me at 48 years of age but also 10 years down the road and beyond? I am in reasonably good physical health other than a shoulder that is going to have surgery performed on it and I am subscribing to the holistic approach as outlined here on TotallyADD.com (because it seems logical and the professionals I have spoken with agree it offers the greatest chance of success)… although I think it may help offer the greatest hope of suppressing life’s failures. OK how about both :)

    Of course I understand there are risks with all medications and believe me the issues that I have read about in the use of ADHD medications have made me become better educated and conscious that I will take the medication use very seriously. That is why I have reached out to you all here. Please, again any knowledge of negative effects associated with there use for those say over 50 years of age and beyond would greatly be appreciated. Yes, I have read the labels and accompanying literature for the medications that I may use but i have not found specific issues that may be incurred by those over 50 years of age. (The specific medication I may use has not been determined yet as my Dr. is allowing me in on the Med decision).

    Thanks in advance to you all…


    Post count: 51

    I will try to explain What I believe is correct…It might shed some light and lower your anxiety..

    I had a long talk with my Dr about side effects. His explanation was more or less like this as I rememmmmmmber it.LOL. Our medicines stimulate different areas of our brain. So let say we are talking about areas A,B,C,D,E, You need areas A,B,C,D stimulated all is good. But area E is also stimulated….BAD.the side effect.

    This is were the DR has to work with you to get the delivery system right- time release ot fast acting- and the dosage amount. In all it a balancing act and a trial that will take time to get it right. Some persons get lucky- I did. With some other it might take more time.

    In some ways the medicine is massaging the Brain muscle. Do it right it gets stronger-over do it and me get, muscle strain, knots torn ligaments. PROPER DOSAGE isa personal trait and one size does not fit all.

    My Dr had me slowly get started increasing my dossage and evaluating my response…The analogy would be taking a sip of wine or drinking whole bottle. If you stat by drinking the whole bottle of wine the conclusion might be “Boy this stuff can mess you up”

    We are changing our brain chemistry–dopamine-etc.

    For me there is no choice–With unexplainable anxiety ever afternoon.I started drinking way to much to compensate.

    Remember alchohol affects the brain function.

    My medication is not a choice…without it I would be severly impaired. With my medicine I have my Golden Years back

    Good Luck—I was recently diagnosed–I’m 67

    Posted 4 minutes ago Edit


    Post count: 14413

    Post count: 14413


    I think the best tip I have for you is to purchase add & loving it or take your time going through the different videos of this website featuring Dr. Umesh Jain including the webinar 1 hour video on medication.

    There is tons of misinformation out there….the reality of it is that medications such as methylphenidate have been around since the 1930’s with no reported long term effects….obviously there are short term side effects and the medication may not be recommended if you have certain conditions such as heart problems.

    That said, although the medication has no reported long term effect, the approach you have to have going into this and for any medication I think is that you do not take medication just for the heck of it, any medication will have an effect, it is a question of weighing the cons and the pros.

    In my case, I do not have adhd which is very severe….I mean my adhd got me through university with better than average grades (I worked a bit too hard for it I have to say) but I still got through it….Knowing what I know about the meds and knowing how much of a difference the meds make, I am ready to take that risk. The pros outweigh the possible cons.


    Post count: 14413


    Thanks for you post. I have viewed over and over the information here on the Meds and viewed the Movie as well. They were all great. I am concerned specifically about issues for us more mature in age folks… I have read some articles that there might be some concerns with use in later years. I Am just reaching to those in an upper age group to see if anyone has experienced concerns or know of legitimate sources that say there are or are not any more risks in later years as say a person of age 20. I too am weighing pros and cons but knowing about and seeing these Meds in action on others just makes me want to become as educated as possible. I guess I am just trying not to leap as I often have in my life with grave consequences. Some deserved and some not I might add… FTR 99.99% chance I am going on Meds as so far the pros far out weigh the cons.

    Thanks Again

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