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Stuck with not working on projects or hobbies.

Stuck with not working on projects or hobbies.2010-11-03T18:47:12+00:00

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    Post count: 14413

    I used to play a lot of music on different instruments, and in my mind I would really like to again and fantisize about it but will not, or won,t commit to doing so or even practise. Very frustrating and beat myself up over it.


    Post count: 14413

    Hi lennjc

    I am a bassoonist (and I use the word loosely) and have seldom ever been able to sit for very long and practice!

    Either I can or can’t play something..and if it’s something I can’t..I just get worse and more frustrated the more I try!

    I don’t have a problem playing in a group, but at home by myself…almost never!

    I find that it is fun to play along with YouTube. One song was for two clarinets and bassoon and it was on YouTube in it’s entirety.

    I had the exact music and it was great! Not like practicing at all!

    Give it a try and let me know what you think!



    Post count: 14413

    I took up ukelele learned just enough to good around with it. I just have fun with playing I never be good at it. I have OA in my hands

    but sometimes I just goof around and sing i’m trying to get good enough to do at least a few. But youtube is great for that. Clamdigger


    Post count: 14413

    I think I have everyone beat. When we move to a smaller house half of the garage was mine double garage

    were talking about. It was packed to the rafter’s. I bought material and patterns’ because I was going to sell costume and learn how to

    so I must of had about 160 patterns. Mind you I don’t know how to sew. Then i got the top of the line serger sewing machine plus a regular sewing machine emborreing machine. On top of it I got this thing to hook up to your emborring machine to do your own patterns. So on top of that I was going to make crafts and crafts and crafts. Plus my knitting I had a few garbage bags full of yarn. But in the middle of this crazy ness needle point cross stitch. Fabricville was moving so that is a good time to buy right ,do you no what 300.00 dollors worth of discount material looks like some of it was only 99 cents a meter. Plus I paint which that is the only one I do. When I decied to give most of the stuff away. After going on medication for ADD it made me sick the money over the years and I’m 53 and some of it was only. the amount of money I had spent over the years. So i decieded I’ll

    give it away. Not all of it I took it down to the corner flea market put free stuff. It took me five weekends to empty out my side of the garage.

    It made me sick the money and Idea’s to make money I think if I just invested my money instead i would of been futher ahead. But the meds calm me down to get through it all. I think it is hyper focus’s but not in touch with reality of my own capiblities. Clamdigger


    Post count: 14413

    yeah, i used to rock out on my electric bass almost every weekend…then like other hobbies I just got bored and dropped it. I still have my cabinets, bass, and all my equipment waiting to be played, but it just doesn’t give me that sort of adrenaline rush I’m looking for any more.


    Post count: 14413

    Music saved my life in high school and beyond — it was one of the few places where I was all there, 100% invested. For two years I’ve been in a Christian rock band, and I am the worst musician in the band, and the least reliable, but I sing lead and play the guitar, and they seem happy enough I’m with them. All of these folks learned to read music almost at full speed, and they know every key by heart, and they studied and took lessons and practiced, and they didn’t do tons of drugs for years the way I did. I have had no patience for or ability to stick with the theory. But showing up every week for years and playing in front of people has made me much better. And I give myself credit: I spent some time and noodled for so long in high school and college that I became a passable musician and performance on my own initiative. I was able to hyperfocus and write original songs — but I can’t easily learn new songs, even songs I really like, because I have to download the music, remind myself how the tablatures work, slowly hack my way (boring, frustrating), and do this many times before I forget and have to start all over again. It’s one of the many examples of how ADD underlines both the best and worst things about everything I love. I also have never recorded any of the songs I wrote, and we are losing this one guy who is a virtuoso and could really bring these songs to life. I want to try to get organized and ask them to record this song list with me.

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