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Suitability of new career

Suitability of new career2010-03-04T14:04:38+00:00

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    Post count: 4

    Now, speaking of tilting at windmills?

    Long before being confirmed ADS (the ‘S’ is my kick at the ‘disorder’ can cos I think it should be Attention Deficit SYNDROME) I was a business exec. Then came the kids and I quit to become a blacksmith so I could raise them. Now it’s time for another career change and I’m wondering if I’m really nuts.

    The change? To become a qualified mediator/negotiator/arbitrator. I’m back at school taking the advanced course (York U.), in and of itself a novel experience knowing what drives me now. And, FYI, I’m not too bad with the exception of this procrastination business…which is a tough one to toss aside.

    The dilemma? ADS characteristics. Like it being difficult to keep my yap shut. Or cutting out the internal chatter when I should be actively listening. Or being more empathetic. Can I overcome them without pharmas? I was taking dexedrine but suspect it isn’t good for high blood pressure so have eased off it.

    Advice would be welcomed.


    Rick Green – Founder of TotallyADD
    Post count: 473

    Congrats on the career change!

    I know so many people who stick with jobs they no longer love, out of fear of starting over.

    A shame!

    As for the heart issues, when we were making the documentary ADD & Loving It, a number of experts told us the ‘heart risk’ is really minor and only applies to people who’ve got real heart problems. One said, “If you’ve had a heart transplant, that would be an issue.”

    But probably worth checking with a Doctor.

    Certainly the alternatives that most of us turn to, cigarettes and caffeine, are much harder on the heart.

    There are some medications that are Non-Stimulant, so they don’t impact the heart.

    As for Non-Pharmacological consider taking up a martial arts course. Or medication. Or Tai Chi. I haven’t heard of formal studies, but the experts told us their patients swear by them.

    Keeping the mouth shut is a tough one. I was on a panel at a Sci Fi convention this weekend and I spoke more than the other two panelists combined. And they have ADD too! A practice that works for me is to practice listening and not speaking, but do it in short installments. So before you go into a meeting or a class or walk up to someone you remind yourself to not talk too much and ask questions. If I focus on actually learning about the other person, finding out what they do, what they like, where they’ve travelled, etc.. then I am automatically listening much more. People have amazing stories to tell. And they are dying to talk about them. I’m actually getting sick of my own stories and asking people about themselves, although it still takes conscious effort and awareness, is fascinating.


    Post count: 14413

    I just graduated from York U. They have excellent “disability” services for people with ADD. I would suggest contacting Pam Smith at 416 736 5383. She is very kind, empathetic and helpful. She can help get you in touch with a career counselor or whatever it is you need. Good luck!


    Post count: 14413

    In regards to the blood pressure issue, have you tried different ways to lower your BP so that you could continue with the meds? I’ve had high BP since I was about 28 (on meds since that time) and I’m almost twice that age now. I’ve only been on meds for ADHD for a year now and was initially worried about the old BP going up.

    It hasn’t happened but it could be for a number of reasons. One, I’m less frazzled now and being less stressed probably is a positive benefit for my BP. Two, I decided to be proactive and do some regular exercise to help out. Everywhere you look these days you see articles extolling the virtues of exercise so I decided to give it a go.

    Was it hard to start exercising? You bet but I stuck with it. Being able to focus probably helped me with ‘stick-to-it-ness’ issues. (You have to realize that I’d previously been a lady who had refused to let sweat form anywhere on her body! Yech! Sweat!!!)

    Guess what? My BP is lower than it has been in years and years. Maybe it is having some ‘control’ over my life now or maybe it is the exercise that has lowered the BP. Maybe it is just the BP gods have finally decided to smile on me for once.

    Whatever it is, talk with your doctor about your concerns. Where there is a will, there is a way! You’ll find your answer, I’m sure.

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