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Surrounded! My Non-ADDer Identity Crisis

Surrounded! My Non-ADDer Identity Crisis2011-12-10T12:04:13+00:00

The Forums Forums For The Non-ADD Other Surrounded! My Non-ADDer Identity Crisis

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    Post count: 14413

    Hello…Is Anybody out there…Can Anybody hear Me…

    Surrounded and alone…how is this possible? I am married to my highschool sweetie and have two teenage boys with ADD/ADHD and suspect (know) that my mother-in-law is also an ‘un-diagnosed’

    AND I am finally acknowledging that I am horribly burnt out!

    I have been right there, embracing ADD/ADHD with my family from the first moment that the GP suggested we ‘keep an eye on that one ” referring to my younger son….right there when my husband was losing his mind in a major depressive episode brought on by numerous un-successes…right there when we finally got the results for my older son’s Phsych-Ed and discovered that not only will he have to develope lifeskills to overcome ADD challenges; but also, a Non-verbal learning disorder…And right there smoothing things out when my Mother-in-laws’ lack of impulse control causes all kinds of Family drama.

    I have become an ADD Crusader (as we all have) …but I dont know who I AM anymore….


    Post count: 14413

    The eye of the hurricane is usually calm, isn’t it?

    My mom, at about 75 years of age, was the first person in the family to figure out she probably had ADHD, but nobody else in the family will admit to it, except a nephew who was formally diagnosed and who took meds for awhile but no longer takes them in his early 20s. It can be hard to get adults to admit to it unless they realize it themselves or life gets so messed up that they seek help. Could your husband approach it with his mother? What about the videos and quizzes on this site? Maybe even a book for her that talks about how non-ADDers can cope with ADDers (she might recognize herself in the book)?


    Post count: 845

    If you are a linear thinker (i.e. non ADD person) you have just entered the Twilight Zone. We’re happy to have you and look forward to views from the other side. Please feel free to ask for help and to ask questions.

    I have decided that the term Attention Deficit Disorder describes the condition about as well as the word “machine” describes a Boeing 747 and that learning about ADD has been like finding the Rosetta Stone to my life.

    For resources and information check out:


    Non ADDer/ADD relationship issues you might find interesting:


    The latter link has some posts by nonADD members who have reached their limit in dealing with their ADD spouse.

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