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Switched from Adderall XR to Strattera

Switched from Adderall XR to Strattera2011-07-20T03:47:12+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Strattera Switched from Adderall XR to Strattera

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    Post count: 14413

    Hi, I am 41 year old wife and mother to 3 beautiful daughters. Very very happy I was referred to this site!…….Been a life saver :)

    Recently diagnosed with ADD and first med was Adderall XR 20 mg. once a day. After 2 weeks I noticed that tightening in my chest I’ve heard others talk about. Called the doc and said to go off of it immediately! I really did like the Adderall and had no other bad side effects. I have no high blood pressure and no heart problems. Anyones opinion on being taken off so quickly? Should it have been given a go for at least a month to see if symptoms subsided? Or is that too serious of a side effect to mess with? He’s putting me on Strattera 80mg a day (which I haven’t started yet). I’m wondering what the difference will be going from a stimulant drug to a non stimulant drug will be. I know everyone is different. Doc told me if this doesn’t work then there’s prob nothing else he can do?….Think I will talk to my phychologist about that one……

    Thanks for reading :)


    Post count: 14413

    I really have no clue how to compare Strattera to a traditional adderall dosage prescription. The side effects of Adderall can be nasty, so I would certainly be careful.



    Post count: 14413

    Stimulants are used as first -line therapy for treatment of ADHD and studies have shown to be most effective.

    Strattera does not have the track record of stimulants in terms of efficacy.

    Your doctor made the call. If you have questions discuss it with him. From what I have read the tightness in the chest varies from

    one person to the next. If you have good cardiac history then doctor should investigate if it was the Adderall or something else.

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