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Taking Methylphenidate newly diagnosed……not sure effects are normal

Taking Methylphenidate newly diagnosed……not sure effects are normal2011-03-11T23:11:20+00:00

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  • #89279

    Post count: 14413

    When i take my medication, i feel like i can handle anything. When i dont take my meds the thought process alone of what i have to do overwhelms me and never get up to do anything because im to worked up.

    This is going to sound stupid but, its almost like i am uncomfortable with the feeling of me completing tasks. I feel like im on the wrong medication. IDK…i know this all sounds weird but does anyone understand???


    Post count: 14413

    I know exactly what you mean. I only started on methylphenidate a couple of weeks ago and I’m still not used to my brain being so calm and unchaotic. It’s weird, but it’s just not how we’re accustomed to feeling. It sounds to me like it’s working for you, but give yourself a little more time to get used to the ” new” you. If in a week you still feel like it might not be right for you, discuss it with your doc and see if he or she thinks you should try another med.

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