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TED Talks: The Power of Vulnerability

TED Talks: The Power of Vulnerability2011-02-01T16:33:50+00:00

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    Post count: 14413

    I just watched this vid from TED (Very awesome site btw. I heartily recommend a browse through the talks they have)

    Rather than preamble it i’ll just let it speak for itself. I’ll only say this: it’s relevant!



    Patte Rosebank
    Post count: 1517

    The best comedians have that power of vulnerability. Even Don Rickles (sarcastically known as “Mr. Warmth”) has it; otherwise, he couldn’t get away with all the outrageous insults that make up his act.

    Last week, I saw a movie called “Always Leave Them Laughing”, starring Milton Berle as a very brash, selfish, young comic, who made a career out of stealing other people’s material, and obliviously stepping on anyone who got in his way on the path to stardom (typecasting, anyone?). Bert Lahr, as the ailing, established, star comic, had a beautiful scene, in which he gave Berle’s character the secret of being a truly great clown. And the secret was, you had to make the audience feel sorry for you, so that they could really love you.

    That scene explains perfectly why I have always hated Milton Berle, Bud Abbott, the Three Stooges, and 99% of the stand-ups out there. And why I have always loved Laurel & Hardy, Carol Burnett, and Lou Costello.



    Post count: 58

    Amen, Larynxa!

    This past weekend, I was lucky enough to get to see the U.S. figure skating championships. It was facinating to see how some skaters were incredibly popular with the audience, despite mishaps.


    Post count: 14413

    Ok skinflowers you got my attention. I watched the vid and am an avid fan of TED. ready to chat?

    I work in Mental Health as an Employment Specialist. I also work with people who have Developmental Disabilities. Many of the adults I work with are considered “vulnerable adults” by legal definition. This vid struck a loud chord in my heart/mind.

    I teach a “motivation workshop” to a ICCD model Clubhouse population. (i encourage anyone who is lost to google that – clubhouses are a special kind of treatment program). Anyway, this material is pure gold to me hanks for the link. I will do my best to share her ideas with the club members.


    Post count: 14413

    You already have Mike Me;

    I belong to Vincent House the 1st ICCD Clubhouse in Florida and indeed this video is a must see for Clubhouse members but I believe anyone who “fears coming out of the closet about ADD or ADHD. My current path is that of a student who is gearing towards social work so this video is especially special to me. Heres to your success



    Post count: 14413

    Wow! that’s awesome Kazuo! Go for it – have you looked into Certified Peer Counseling yet? If not look it up in WA state for some examples. Here it is a certifiable occupation.


    Post count: 14413


    I’ve heard of Certified Peer Counseling but at the time I was uncommitted about what I wanted to do, what is really messed-up is the fact that for now I have got really good health insurence the kind I couldnot get if I went off of Disability. I was heavily encouraged to get into social work after a 9 month stint (Transitional Employment Placement) doing some filing for a forensic ACT team ( called FACT in Florida) I am just doing my basic courses for now and I am loving it. You know inretrospect if it were not for Vincent House I would not have had the inclination to do anytthing. I owe my life to Vincent House and the ICCD! I am so glad to have met someone who knows about Clubhouses I often talk about values I have recovered as a result of my Clubhouse experience I am a better man for sure! Are you a Clubhouse member if so from where if not where do you work employment counceling also sounds interesting and may also become a future option.



    Post count: 14413

    I was looking for this. Thanks for sharing. I have a feeling I’ll be referring back to this again and again.


    Post count: 61

    Very lovely video, thanks for posting.

    I often envy my peers for being able to shake things off easier or to generally not “take things so personally”. On the other hand, I know that my sensitivity is what makes me a loyal and considerate friend, and an effective artist.

    I think ADD makes you sincere, what with the impulsive speaking out and the barrage of ideas, and that can be tough. People have called me intense a bunch; others get frustrated with how sensitive I can be.

    Still, my closest friends love my honesty and openness. So I just try to surround myself with people who appreciate me for who I am; that seems to make sense, ha ha…

    Anyway, since learning about my diagnosis, I’ve been a lot more accepting of my quirks and qualities, and less accepting of the people who want to change me. 8)

    This has been another rambling post by Powcat. Good night and drive safe!


    Post count: 61

    PS: Certainly, though, there is something to be said for balance; much, actually. How to be selective of who to share yourself with, and when.

    But I think that knowing that comes naturally with self-love. Sharing “too much” can be an act of desperately seeking approval… (In speech, but also physically, as in premature sex, now that I think about it.)

    Once you accept yourself and love yourself, though, you will naturally want to protect yourself – perhaps, be smart about the risks you take. Not necessarily in terms of figuring out the odds in your favour, but asking yourself, how significan it is for you to make this investment – in a relationship, in a career move, in reaching out to someone, whatever.

    Hopefully that made some kinds of sense; I am too sleepy to go back and edit… :)


    Post count: 929

    Great TED talks and great comment


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