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The diagnosis video needs to be fixed

The diagnosis video needs to be fixed2010-12-08T10:07:33+00:00

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    Post count: 14413

    It absolutely should not lump impulsivity in with hyperactivity and skip it if you answer “no” to hyperactive! That’s maddening. I have HUGE impulse-control problems and virtually ZERO hyperactivity.


    Post count: 14413

    I questioned this as well. I went ahead and answered yes and scored 6/9 on the hyper/impulsive portion.

    Just because “I” don’t think I’m hyper or impulsive, doesn’t mean I’m not.

    BTW, I scored 9/9 on the inattention portion.


    Post count: 28

    I took the test twice. First time I said I was not impulsive and it skipped that portion, but it did not show the questions.

    Second time, I said I was impulsive just to see the questions. Funny thing is although I said I was not impulsive, the questions did not seem like they were impulse questions and I answered yes to most of them.

    Does slow service frustrate you? YES!

    Does waiting in a line or traffic drive you nuts? YES!

    I endure these things, but they did not seem like impulse questions to me. Impulse questions seem more like buying a car on impulse as Patrick said he did in the video.

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