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April 10, 2012 at 6:48 am #90680
Hi there
Is having trouble with starting things a symptom of ADHD? Does anyone else experience this? It’s not an issue of not wanting to do something, it’s too hard, boring or anything like that. I have trouble starting just about everything, including things I love like drawing and exercise. I only just realised I have this trouble and was keen to hear about others experiences.
REPORT ABUSEApril 10, 2012 at 7:51 am #113917It happens to me all the time.
REPORT ABUSEApril 10, 2012 at 8:18 am #113918I never realised that it happens to me all the time. Until yesterday and it hit me
I can see how this impacts my life in so many ways. Still can’t belive I never noticed it before. I suppose after years of being told I was lazy I belived that was the issue
REPORT ABUSEApril 10, 2012 at 8:31 am #113919Me too. Not trying hard enough. Yet the sheer effort of daily life makes that accusation a joke.
REPORT ABUSEApril 10, 2012 at 8:51 am #113920Hi Both – me too. Actually this is one of my biggest problems.
I have issues with seeing things through to the end as well but on reflection that’s probably related with not being able to re-start it.
I have problems even starting my day. Then the day starts eventually and then it’s an effort to start everything.
Yesterday I wanted to tidy my bedroom. I hoped for a morning start but it took until 17.00 to start but I had to stop at 18.00 to go out. I took Dr J’s advice and started in a corner so achieved something but the saga will start again today.
It’s like my body and brain are filled with lead and I literally can’t function.
I read on a website about ADHD and procrastination that the author had seen a book (can’t remember names or titles – sorry) but inside the book cover it said something like “you are smarter than the procrastination voices in your head so you can beat them”.
The site author said s/he hadn’t read the book but that sentence resonated.
“You are smarter than the procrastination voices in your head so you can beat them”.
So I thought ‘yeah right like it’s that easy’ but then I thought how dare this crap ruin my life, because that’s what it’s doing. So yes I am going to be smarter than my procrastinating voices.
Also I realised from reading the tricks and tips thread here that I don’t build in breaks to my task lists so I feel overwhelmed at every boring task. So no wonder I don’t want to start. So I think with me it is the ADHD making me procrastinate but also it has over the years become learned behavioural stuff because I have been tackling it all wrong.
Or is that rubbish? I do know it’s hard but if I am angry with the procrastinating voices I can make a start. But it can’t be healthy to be angry, but maybe that’s better than being depressed at another wasted day?
So from right now, those voices are NOT going to ruin my life and I am going to factor in fun stuff. But I’ll just finish reading the new posts here and have another coffee……
REPORT ABUSEApril 10, 2012 at 10:17 am #113921PS – it was laddybug3 writing in the Focus Tips and Tricks thread that made me realise I need to build in breaks – or rather rewards. I am going to try this today – I usually reward myself but only after days or weeks rather than hours. Instead of seeing something as a reward it’s a distraction (like reading or the internet) so if it’s built in as a reward then it might help. Will try today and I might finally start something!! Guess I’ll need alarms to help with transitions!
REPORT ABUSEApril 10, 2012 at 10:54 am #113922I think this is one of my biggest problems too. Even right now I have failed to start dinner so will probably not even bother- almost 9pm here. 2 days ago I wouldn’t have thought this was even near the top of my list but after thinking about it all day I am sure this is one of the major issues I have. I still can’t believe I never realised it before.
REPORT ABUSEApril 10, 2012 at 11:10 am #113923That’s the problem with ADHD. If that’s how you have been all your life why would you necessarily pick up on it? It’s just how/who you are. With me, I always knew things like that were an issue but it was only when life got more complicated that I realised that actually I did have a real problem and my coping mechanisms were not working anymore. I didn’t even realise they were coping mechanisms!
Guess it hits us all at some point.
REPORT ABUSEApril 10, 2012 at 11:25 am #113924Yes, I’m beginning to realise how I’ve been all my life isn’t quite the same as ‘normal people’. But as you say, since I didn’t know any different I just coped as best I could. I’ve always known I was different and now I have an answer to how.
REPORT ABUSEApril 10, 2012 at 11:26 am #113925PS I like being different. I don’t think I could be ‘normal’ lol
REPORT ABUSEApril 10, 2012 at 12:58 pm #113926
AnonymousInactiveApril 10, 2012 at 12:58 pmPost count: 14413Sometimes people love the Pomodoro Technique, other times people hate it!
REPORT ABUSEApril 10, 2012 at 1:34 pm #113927I am the same way, and I would say it is one of my biggest problems with ADHD. Or, at least it is one of the problems that most resonates with me. Makes me feel like a loser! There is so much a could/should’ve accomplished by now, big and small, but haven’t.
REPORT ABUSEApril 10, 2012 at 1:49 pm #113928Planning is my favorite things to do. Starting or ending things is another story. Scattybird mentioned my lists. Sometimes I just don’t want to do them and want the reward. Like cleaning my room. I am planning on cleaning my room in three days, because I cannot do my room in one day. Which means, it will probably get finished next week? The reward system sometimes fails, because I want the reward now.
Then again sometimes I am so excited to start something then get bored and force myself to finish. I did a race last Saturday. So excited to start, but had trouble finishing the race. Did finish the race, but man was it hard. Came in 13th place out of 20.
REPORT ABUSEApril 10, 2012 at 2:35 pm #113929Good for you laddybug3 – doing a race is brilliant and to keep going when it’s hard is great. I wish I had your stamina!
REPORT ABUSEApril 10, 2012 at 10:31 pm #113930I’ve started running too. I joined our local runner’s club too and have been twice- and nearly died both times! But the adrenaline rush is awesome. There are some super fit people there. Not me, I am in the bottom of the group, only followed by the people walking the track. My aim is to do a half marathon at next years runners festival here. Crazy I know. But something to aim for.