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There are 30 or 40 tips on the PBS program…

There are 30 or 40 tips on the PBS program…2012-10-16T21:06:03+00:00

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    Post count: 9

    Dunno if you saw it but they are selling the new program with Patrick & Rick at the shop on this website. It’s sold with the firs tprogram. Loving it and Mastering It. I saw the new one, ADD and Mastering It on PBS in July or August. Loved it.

    It’s more for those of us who know the basics and are itching to get tools that’ll get ‘er done.

    And i’t s funny. As in LOL. With a number of LMFAO


    At one point Patrick says that a lot popular organizing tools and strategies that work for ‘normals’ are actualy the opposite of what ADHD people should do. Sounds weird, right, but it is so right on. Like the advice you always get to take regular breaks, which is good for ‘normals’ but not me. I take a break, I ain’t coming back, cause, oh wow, Squirrels!


    allan wallace
    Post count: 478

    Heh, that is an interesting point about advice for ‘normals’ having the opposite effect on the fruit loops! During the two semesters of Uni that I could be bothered to go through the motions with, every essay that I submitted was always handed in after the last extension had been granted, and was banged together, without exception, to be handed in on the last day. Thus, I was able to do the ruddy thing in one hit generally between the hours of 10 p.m and 3 a.m. I’d sit at the ‘puter for hours playing scrabble, and flaffing about before I started, but once I got cracking, it got done. The others claimed to have spent hours doing draft after draft, seeking critiques, and blah blah blah. Anyway, what is the PBS program?


    Post count: 1096

    Allan – ‘fruit loop’ – this made me laugh. It’s so true and there was me kidding myself that actually I just think laterally….but fruit loop probably sums it up.

    In answer to your question – the PBS program…. Well I’m guessing PBS is some North American TV channel – a bit like the British Broadcasting Corporation…but not. If it was aired on the BBC it would be a programme and not a program.

    Anyway…the PBS program refers to the new prog. that Rick and Patrick made – the ADHD and Mastering It video. It’s the sequel to their ADHD and Loving It video. Apparently they’ve both been aired on TV across North America.

    Being in the UK, I didn’t get to see them so downloaded them from this site. They’re both funny and informative. I like their style. Rick and Patrick make an amusing team…..pair. When does a pair become a team?


    Post count: 146

    PBS stands for Public Broadcasting System. I’ll have to take a look at the BBC. My boyfriend just informed me about the BBC. PBS is public funded by donations. Individual and by corporations.

    We get a lot of the british shows on PBS and that’s where I watch most of them. A lot of the old sit coms. Waiting for God is one of my favorites.

    Rick and Patrick are both from the Red Green show. The show is from Canada but we get it on PBS. If you can find it you should watch it. You would not believe the nerdy character Patrick plays. And Rick does skits “Adventures with Bill”. I had been watching that show for years. So it was quite the pleasant surprise when they didi the first video ADD and Loving it.

    My BF (Mr. Who) watched the first video with me and it really helped us. We were not getting long so well at the time and it gave him some idea of what I go through and also he saw some of himself in it as well. I really believe we have avoided a lot of arguments having a better understanding of ADD.

    ADD and Mastering is a great show. I have it recorded.

    Well hope my posts make sense. I’m on day two of a really, really, bad headache.


    Post count: 1096

    Hi Misswho – thanks for explaining PBS. We get a lot of American sitcoms and films here so it’s great that we’re importing stuff too.

    Larynxa posted some YouTube links to Bill’s Adventures. Completely bonkers! Very funny.

    I bet Rick and Patrick would be thrilled to know that their film helped you and Mr. Who. That’s pretty cool.

    Hope your headache soon gets better.


    Post count: 802

    Just watching the first film now. Wish I’d seen it years ago.

    Most common reason for adults turning up looking for answers – unexplained underachievement.

    Unexplained underachievement is exactly why I went looking too. I thought it was dyspraxia and although there are traits there it was the inattention that was the issue with me.

    Odd how focused I am when the environment is right though.

    Just LOVING the video!


    Post count: 802

    “adults don’t lose things any more. They lose time looking for their things”

    2 essays last year that I wrote THREE times because I forgot i’d written the sodding things or knew I’d written them but couldn’t find the buggers.


    Post count: 802

    Also, the pink paper, Rick? Do you have Irlen syndrome too? I need lilac paper and grey/blue overlays.

    I may post a lot. There may be alcohol involved…


    Post count: 1096

    Hahaa – so ‘Tiddler’ becomes ‘Tiddly’ for the evening!

    Probably best to say it’s evening (actually it’s night) in the UK in case our friends across the water think Tiddler is tiddly at lunch time! :)


    Post count: 802

    LOL Yes, it’s almost 10pm and I hardly ever drink which is why I’m tiddly after 2 glasses of wine!

    #People who change the world are people who take chances.

    You know, I have a ‘pi’ sign on my forehead, right between my eyes, from my constant frowning. And my skin is slightly paler there too. I’m going to stop doing that!


    Post count: 802

    The ‘pi’ sign is wrinkles by the way. Not a tattoo. Though that would be different, for sure…


    Post count: 1096

    So pi means ‘primarily inattentive’ so wear your sign with pride…although you don’t want to develop wrinkles.

    # People who take chances often die young!



    Post count: 802

    LOL Pi means primarily inattentive. My husband is going to love that!


    Post count: 802

    LOL I’m done now. G’night all!

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