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Tips on how to navigate this web site.

Tips on how to navigate this web site.2013-01-11T20:27:07+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey I'm Excited/Relieved Tips on how to navigate this web site.

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  • #118339

    Post count: 929

    I have been discovering many new and very awesome things to find here. For example. when I go to this page. http://totallyaddconnect.com/activity/ I can get a brief glimps of what people have been talking about. I can also see if I’m talking too much. I’ve sometimes been accused of talking too much. That’s because some people, not all of them, but some…have really got a lot of nerve. 🙂

    Fortunately it’s almost impossible to discourage a dude like me.

    Love, peace, bewilderment

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