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Too sensitive for meds??

Too sensitive for meds??2010-06-21T13:41:36+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Too sensitive for meds??

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    Post count: 14413

    My psychiatrist tells me I have a very sensitive nervous system. I’ve tried Ritalin, Concerta, Wellbutrine, and Desipramine and in each case, I end up with an elevated blood pressure and heart rate. Just before I started tapering off the Desipramine, the blood donation clinic measured my HR at 110.

    A while ago, on Concerta, the stress of a toothache induced heart palpitations. I ended up in the hospital but a full heart workup revealed no problems.

    Is there a medication that will work for me? Or, should I give up and focus on non-medical treatments for my ADD?



    Patte Rosebank
    Post count: 1517

    I have a really nervous disposition too. My doctor knows to always start me on a new medication at the lowest dose, and increase it gradually, if necessary. Maybe you started your medications at too high a dosage. Ask your doctor about this.

    Ask Dr. J. (in the “Ask an Expert” forum) about this, too.

    Have you tried meditation and deep-breathing exercises? They really do work…if you can calm yourself down enough to get into them. I used to have a holy terror of dentists and needles, but I forced myself to close my eyes, do some deep-breathing, and lose myself in the music or comedy on my headphones. Today, though I still don’t enjoy a visit to the dentist or oral surgeon, they’re both amazed that I can undergo major procedures that most people would want to be either asleep or heavily sedated for, with just some Novocaine. Actually, I don’t have much of a choice. Laughing gas makes me panic.


    Post count: 14413

    Thanks for the reply. I’m not that anxious a person – it’s more that my central nervous system is sensitive to the medications. I think we titrated up slowly on the last 2 meds. My elevated BP and HR only manifested later.

    I’ll post to the Ask an Expert forum, too.


    Post count: 14413

    Sometimes it is necessary to get a cardiologist involved to figure out if you have a specific heart problem. You may be asked to wear a 24 hr Holter monitor which looks for any abnormal beating. The increased heart rate is not the problem, abnormal beating is the problem as it may lead to an abnormal run of bad beats.


    This will give you the advice you seek

    Always speak to your doctor before making any changes to medications. Dr. Jain provides advice generically and not for any one person. Advice does not constitute a therapeutic relationship or promise of care. Please consult the privacy policy for more information.

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