The Forums › Forums › The Workplace › Other › Trying to learn when to stand up for myself
December 6, 2010 at 1:13 pm #88715
as some already know that i was fired last week, so what i need to know is to what point do i stand up for myselfand to what point do i try hold my mouth shut. iam not shure ihave that power within me, i still need to try. ihave to say on my behalf that i did tell him that i dont like getting yelled at . so if there were things he didnt like just ask and i would be happy todo what was needed . so after the first time he yelled at me i asked him not too and he said he thought we were all men here . so when he started yelling two weeks later i thought thats how you make your point, so the lowder the better , i was thinking i can do that. i failed to under stand that he was the only one allowed to yell. if there are two sets of rules, i need to be told in advance. i have no clue when i can say somthing or when i shoud shut up.or am I the only lose canon out there THANKS FOR ALL YOUR IMPUT>
REPORT ABUSEDecember 13, 2010 at 5:34 pm #97234Does anyone know how I can get rid of my post. I think it is not an ADD thing .seems to be a me thing. sorry still trying to learn what is ADD and what is somethingel else. thanks.
REPORT ABUSEDecember 13, 2010 at 7:00 pm #97235@Trashman, is isn’t a “me” thing. It is at least partly due to your cognitive disorders, and it is absolutely due to your having an abusive boss.
Remember, when you have a cognitive disorder, you often think “It’s just me. I screwed up again, so I deserve it.” But most of the time, it isn’t your fault; it’s the difficulties caused by your disorder.
Based on your previous posts about your difficulties at work, I’d say you have clear grounds to file a complaint on the grounds that your boss was verbally abusive, and that he continued his abusive behaviour to you, even after you made it clear that it was harmful to you. This made the workplace a very toxic environment for you, and NOBODY should have to put up with that.
Furthermore, your difficulties seem to have been caused by your ADD and other cognitive disorders. These are disabilities, so you could also claim that your boss discriminated against you because of your disabilities, and refused to make any concessions whatsoever for it.
Talk to the Employment Standards or HRDC office in your area. Also, talk to the Disabilities or Human Rights Commission office. Explain your situation and ask them for help. You don’t need a lawyer to file a wrongful dismissal complaint with Employment Standards, or a discrimination complaint with Human Rights.
REPORT ABUSEDecember 13, 2010 at 7:24 pm #97236larynxa thank’s for your insight.I think all my insecureitys get in my when i make a post and I see no one responding then I start to over think things. I have had a history of having gone through several kinds of abuses. it has not helped my selfestem. so when I get defensive then I tend to get loud and aggresive but i have never thouched anyone when I get upset .. you people are great and i find all this is info insightfull. thanks again for your kindness.