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unsupportive parents?

unsupportive parents?2014-09-17T09:06:17+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! No One Believes Me unsupportive parents?

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  • #91142

    Post count: 14413

    Hi y’all! I’m new here so be nice :)

    Where to start….

    Right after I joined the military in ’09 my father passed away. At that same time I got married at age 19 (smart, right?). So bunches of “life changing” moments there. Within six months of my dad passing, my mom started dating and moved in with this new guy. The military forced me into therapy after multiple self harming incidents after my hubby left me.I was then told I had adhd and was put on 80mg strattera. Let me tell you, I left 100% better even just after being told there actually was something wrong with me!

    Flash forward to now. I kept going down this distructive road with self-harm, abusive boyfriends and work issues. I got discharged almost a year ago and left the a**hole I was with in may. With a GREAT guy now, happy with my life now, for the most part. My moms bf, ill call him MP, has a really hard time understanding adhd/depression. He tells me its “made up” and that doctors say it for money blah blah blah. He even has this natural book backing up all this stuff that he constantly shoves in my face. He also tells me that everyone goes thru depression when someone close to them dies and he had the same thing when his dad died. Um I’m sorry, were you trying to kill yourself? No? Ok, now stop comparing!

    Anyway…. rambling lol any tips/ advice to getting him to understand? Its driving my nuts that he constatly puts me down for it to the point that I’m ready to smoother him in his sleep!

    Thanks for reading and hope to here back soon :)


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