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vision problems?

vision problems?2013-01-25T20:34:29+00:00
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  • #118679

    Post count: 90

    I was premature at birth and as a result I have ADHD as well as the need to wear glasses. Is there a link between having ADHD and having to wear glasses? Thank you.


    Patte Rosebank
    Post count: 1517

    Being premature can increase the chance of your having ADHD, but the main cause is genetic—inherited from a blood relative.  My mom has ADHD, but she wasn’t premature.  I have it too, and I was only about 4 days premature.


    There is no difference between the rates of ADHD and non-ADHD people who need to wear glasses.  Eyesight is a physical issue.  ADHD is a cognitive one.  No connection.

    Maybe you’re thinking of the way that ADHD people sometimes describe taking their first dose of medication as “putting on glasses and seeing the world in focus for the first time in your life”.

    However, if you are also taking meds for another mental issue, those meds can cause changes in eyesight.

    I developed very early onset presbyopia (inability to shift vision from near to distant objects) due to the Effexor I’ve been taking for depression, so I’ve been wearing bifocals since I was only 28.


    Patte Rosebank
    Post count: 1517

    P.S. – Being premature also has nothing to do with whether or not you need to wear glasses.

    The rate of people with ADHD is much, much lower than the rate of people who wear glasses.



    Patte Rosebank
    Post count: 1517

    CORRECTION:  The rate of people who were premature is much, much lower than the rate of people who wear glasses.

    (Note to self:  Don’t post until you’ve had your coffee.)

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