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Vyvanse -> Adderall XR…..Double Dose?

Vyvanse -> Adderall XR…..Double Dose?2012-02-13T02:20:54+00:00

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    Post count: 13

    Is anyone on a 2x a Day dose of Adderall?

    Just switched from Vyvanse (150) to Adderall. Started the Adderall Sat Feb 11 with 20mg and 4 hours later another 20mg.

    Today i noticed a DIFFERENCE after the 2nd dose. I’ve been “dysthymia-ic” (since I was diagnosed with that) for as long as I could remember.

    And this weekend……………it was climbing a bit (objectively, my life is pretty in the sh*ts but I even thought the way I was feeling I should find my weird, twisted “but hey, its been and could be worse”).

    But took my2nd does today ~4,4:30pm. And now – yes I conceptually feel like a “fail(ure)ing” but the unfocused, unproductive, inability to generate attention, inability to focus my attention……significant shift.

    What are your experiences? Doing a double dose? How quickly did the changes occur? Stay? Make it easier to instill the lifestyle habits and routines?


    Post count: 14413

    I couldn’t quite understand your post. Are your focus and concentration better?

    I am taking another medication Concerta and had a similar dosage change

    AM first dose

    Early Afternoon: second dose

    I find my symptoms have improved and I stay focused and out of my fog until early evening

    I was only diagnosed in Nov ’11 and on meds since then. Time will tell if I sustain the improvement

    Sometimes the change in medication and taking a second dose early in the afternoon makes a big difference


    Post count: 13

    Yeah – but with the 4 hour time in between + the need to take it with a “meal” and not a “snack” (apparently my meals are more snacks than meals) today it was later. Do you find it hard to

    I was just surprised with the noticeable improvement with the 2nd dose, but nothing with the 1st dose. I even exercised for 20 mins before the first dose. Before exercise could be a big deal breaker – w/o it, the whole day would be a struggle.


    Post count: 14413

    i am finding the same thing as you wrt first dose. This morning it took about

    2 1/2 hours to kick in. In the meantime I am struggling to keep my

    attention on a morning teleconference i was participating.

    The second dose… the biggest issue is to remember to take it. I

    don’t take it with food and I am OK

    Have an appointment with my doctor and will mention what i am experiencing.

    There is a lot of things that can be done to give an initial boost in the day

    (medication wise)

    I am determined to get into a morning exercise routine (before work) which

    will help. In the past I haven’t been able to do that because i had such

    a struggle getting in to gear in the morning


    Post count: 13

    Things were improving. Noticing a significant difference in my mental functioning (hello working memory), attention and focus. Starting to notice a difference with the first dose. Yesterday, my body started shake/twitching. Kind of like when you see Michael J Fox (he has parkinsons). It was odd – I found some good material and make some ADHD appropriate (normal people unappropriate) jokes.

    Waiting to go back to hear back from my doctor about this.

    It was starting to wooooooooooooooork.


    Post count: 14413

    It sounds like maybe you should not be taking stimulants. Perhaps try a Strattera or something non-stimulant?

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