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Vyvanse no longer working and causing undesirable side effects.

Vyvanse no longer working and causing undesirable side effects.2012-04-16T17:25:49+00:00

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    Vyvanse no longer working and causing undesirable side effects. Looking for alternatives?

    Hi, my 9 year old daughter has been on Vyvanse for 2 years. It worked very well for a long time with minimal side effects. She is on 60mg. She has severe ADHD innatentive and also has food foraging behavior. Additionally the Vyvanse helps her remember to use the bathroom. My daughter also has learning disorders and short term memory problems. Lately she has become very irritable and moody. Sometimes stomping her feet and can become defiant. This is very uncharacteristic behavior. She is nornally a sweet angel and so kind. She often says to me that she doesn’t know why she is acting like this. She has also been pulling out her eyebrows and eyelashes.

    Most recently she has developed eczema on her eyelids and in between her elbows. She never had any skin issues before and nothing has changed in her environment. Finally her sleep patterns have gone haywire. This child used to sleep like a log and it was like waking a hibernating bear in the morning, Now she is getting uo in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep. We tried one of the patches in December but that made her moods very erratic. She went back on Vyvanse this time 70mg but I just asked the dr to go back to 60mg do to the sleeping issues. I am at a loss as to what to do. Everytime we try a new med it screws her up at school. I would like to try to get her off the Vyvanse this summer and try something else. Any suggestions? I would appreciate any advice. BTW. ALready tried melatonin for the sleep and it puts her to sleep but doesn’t keep her asleep.


    Post count: 14413

    I’m sorry I don’t have any advice for you but I noticed a few interesting things.

    I have been on Vyvance for about a that and a half now.

    It’s the weirdest thing, I actually experienced pulling out my eyebrows as well. I noticed, one day, that I was doing it as I was studying. My left eyebrow was almost gone. I have to mentally tell myself to stop every so often.

    Weird side effect.


    Post count: 14413

    I’m on Vyvanse since last September and I plan on changing my medication precisely because it affects my mood A LOT!!! In my case, it really makes me feel sad for no precise reason. I feel as sad as if my life was useless. I also wake up around 4AM nightly and hardly can get back to sleep. If I stop, my mood comes back to the happy and (unfortunately) lunatic me and I get back to sleep normally.

    I used Concerta for a while and I did not get any of those effects. However, the effect wore off too quickly for me since it only last about 5 hours. Not enough to complete my work day and to take care of the kids in the evening.

    Looking now for a new kind of molecule.

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