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August 17, 2010 at 3:24 am #88495
AnonymousInactiveAugust 17, 2010 at 3:24 amPost count: 14413So while spending my usual way too much time on facebook tonight a picture on the side grabbed my attention… There was a picture of Tesla. You know the one where he’s in the armchair looking at the camera with his hand in sorta of a thinkers pose.. He looks like he’s challenging the camera to take his picture or it could just be him thinking that the picture taking better get over soon he wants to get back to the workshop. Anyway back the point…
This was an ad for some quick little test about being like an inventor. I did it and It said I scored like 90% and am a Wayseer…huh? Never heard of it. So some looking around then brings up DaVinci Nation. Hmm I like the name. then talk about “The DaVinci Method” .
Then I seen something that made something click.. “The Da Vinci Method – Are You a DaVinci? | Success for ADD, ADHD …”
They’re targeting ADD’ers for membership to this pay site/group. I mean the questions are pretty much reworkings of the same questions used to diagnose AD/HD. True or False: “When I’m interested in a project, I need less sleep. I am a creative problem solver. I like to act on impulse.”
Of course as a thinker/geek/ADD’er the thoughts of being in the same grouping as some of the names they throw around like tesla, Da Vinci,Einstein,Earhart… is awesome .It got my attention. I’m thinking at first it’s cause I find those people very very interesting. Then it came to me. Feeling, after all the years of being told you could do better and the unintentional abuse of being told that so much you believe it… Special! Those are people that some suggest were AD/HD. I am like them and can join this group for a month subscription. I feel kinda preyed upon. On the other hand if this is a set of resources taht help temper those traits and rewire the grey matter with new, creative ways of doing things then I’ll take my snake oil and be happy paying for it LOL
Any thoughts? Experiences or info on this Lot? Dr. J? And why is it i have to go back nd fix so many typeos for missing or reversing leters?
REPORT ABUSEMarch 29, 2011 at 4:41 pm #94954
AnonymousInactiveMarch 29, 2011 at 4:41 pmPost count: 14413Just saw the youtube video via my wife and some friends. Nice feel good video targeting the ADHD demographic. Then he’ll hit you for the Wayseer book, etc. Just like the Davinci book. It’s all about the “H” and he found a demographic large enough and impulsive enough to buy his schtick.
REPORT ABUSEMarch 29, 2011 at 6:00 pm #94955It’s a good video that talks about how accepted orthodoxies and built-in assumptions need to be deconstructed. Worth the watch. Probably not worth joining as the monthly fee (with its a la carte add ons) is a little ridiculous to join an online discussion group. Lots of free ones out there. Speaking of which, one of the better ones of those is called SubGenius. If you are an ADD person with a developed sense of humour – and more than likely have an Atheist sensibility as well – go meet BOB the Deity, and Ivan and the rest, and learn about slack and frop. At least in this fake cult, you only have to pay $35 for a lifetime membership. Well worth it when you consider that BOB guarantees that once you arrive in your afterlife, if you don’t like it, you are entitled to three (3) times your membership money back.
Suggestion for Wayseers – enjoy the video and skip the rest of the noise.
REPORT ABUSEMarch 29, 2011 at 6:12 pm #94956@ Reb…lol re: refund. I guess there is good news and bad news about the increase in these for-pay sites: Bad: A growing market means an increase in snake-oil salesmen selling their bogus wares; Good: With a growing market, there is a growing awareness of ADD which can only be a good thing for us ADDrs.
REPORT ABUSEMarch 29, 2011 at 7:59 pm #94957
AnonymousInactiveMarch 29, 2011 at 7:59 pmPost count: 14413
REPORT ABUSEIts been a while since I was abolished from my last CULT…. maybe its time to join a new one. Not any BOB’s your uncle CULT though, but a real one that puts in a better effort when pretending to care… also one with a hot tub….
March 30, 2011 at 1:28 am #94958
AnonymousInactiveMarch 30, 2011 at 1:28 amPost count: 14413Huh I nearly fell for that but I just figured it was a total scam or a cult or something LOL I guess its good i passed buy it.
REPORT ABUSEApril 23, 2011 at 6:27 pm #94959
AnonymousInactiveApril 23, 2011 at 6:27 pmPost count: 14413The video was great propaganda, designed to attract emotionally unstable individuals and it worked. The book takes the individual, breaks him down to the level of wretched victim of society, then gives him the option to “attack” that which has hurt him. The website is being moderated by individuals with just as many issues as the members. The main man, LoPorto, gives the appearance of “sweet puppy dog” but he is anything but.
This man got a marketing company to help him put a vid that ellicited a strong emotional response but he did not plan for the influx. I heard talk about revolution? just talk really but there is an attitude of “them vs us” The whole thing felt like “rats in a maze” with LoPorto taking notes for his next book.
REPORT ABUSESeptember 9, 2011 at 7:05 am #94960
AnonymousInactiveSeptember 9, 2011 at 7:05 amPost count: 14413For the WAYSEER kind of individual, you will get it if you are. And if you are we LOVE YOU! Believe it, Learn it, Support it and TAKE ACTION! A WAYSEER does not need someones opinion to know whats real or not. You will feel it and you can go from there…
Too bad the ADD community is gonna stay in the dark on this one if you are persuaded to lean away, because you were sent to a website selling you a book. So what if LoPorto figured out how to market his idea and get paid. His works are amazing, accurate and effective if you actually learn what he is teaching. Regardless if you think this is a propaganda campaign to get you to buy a book, well, please don’t buy it! Save your money for a video game or new pair of shoes.
And if you are complaining about paying a fee to join the group, if you looked there is a HARDSHIP LINK where you can join for FREE!!! Silly ADD > you saw EERF and didn’t get it
All of the WAYSEER groups can be joined for FREE if you look and follow directions. But you all have no problem paying the doctor to tell you how to HELP YOU. It is amazing how this movement is growing and weeding itself out. Please, don’t pay for anything. Please do believe the WAYSEER MOVEMENT is a hoax, only out to dip into your pockets. Why is the WAYSEER MOVEMENT gaining strength and momentum and bringing on people of worth? 1 out of 10 get it!
For the potential NEXT WAYSEER follow the link below to understand what this thread is about.
REPORT ABUSESeptember 9, 2011 at 12:33 pm #94961
AnonymousInactiveSeptember 9, 2011 at 12:33 pmPost count: 14413think315knot, your post reeks of sensationalism and propaganda. I don’t need to click on your link to see that. But you’re right on one point, I don’t need your opinion to know what’s real or not. It’s obvious from your post.