The Forums › Forums › Tools, Techniques & Treatments › Coaching/Mentoring/Structure › We Need Local Support Groups! …Wait, phone rang….. Hey! Look! A Squirrel!
September 29, 2012 at 5:19 pm #89451
ADD’ers shouldn’t have to go at it alone. If so many people are estimated to have ADD/ADHD in the world, surely there can be better ways to get them to stand up and be counted.. (and cheered!)
First, let me say,: I believe that TotallyADD is, by far, the “best in class” for reaching out to ADDers and others to understand and accept this “gift”. You folks are the model for what all other supposed ” support” sites should be.
But, even with the vast and ever-increasing amount of resources in print and online bettering our understanding and management of ADD/ADHD, I think a lot more effort can and should be made, locally and worldwide, in getting people together for virtual and face-to-face support and learning.
For those unable to get to or find a local group, webmasters could set up live, online chat rooms or sessions (with secure logins, profiles and monitoring, of course). This would be extremely beneficial for ADDers wanting to connect with people like themselves.
(Hint Hint)
But I believe the greatest way to share support and understanding would be in local, in-person groups, sharing stories and developing management strategies, especially for adults who deal with ADD in themselves. Websites could offer a section dedicated to helping people start or find local groups. Perhaps, providing downloadable (and uploadable) material to help organize, promote and manage local groups. Hey, maybe even have “guest speakers” at some meetings! (Hint Hint.. Rick, Dr J, etc
There could be sit-down coffee drinking meetings or activity meet ups. We could include non-ADD spouses or other family members to the meetings to help better understand each other. These meetings should be with no hidden agenda or judgement and should be open to anyone who would benefit.
Just a thought. I just know I’d love to have a group nearby to just hang with and share knowledge. Anyone around me?
Plano, Texas
REPORT ABUSESeptember 29, 2012 at 6:02 pm #103152i was thinking the same thing.
what you’re describing sounds similar to “—-anonymous” support groups. actually, my brother told me about one – underearners anonymous – that sounds like it probably has many adders in it -sounded like some considerable crossover in symptoms and tools.was planning on going to one last week but forgot to arrange earlier childcare until it was almost time to leave(and too late)…….anyway, hopefully i’ll get to one in the next week and i’ll let you know. “hi i’m g.laiya and i’m an adder – opps – i mean an under-earner”….well, both…. ๐
yeah, it would be nice to have something specific for ad/hd too.
REPORT ABUSESeptember 29, 2012 at 6:05 pm #103153and tiddler maybe we can start a support sub-group for those with “oswfim” sydrome ๐
REPORT ABUSESeptember 30, 2012 at 4:57 am #103154There are support groups in the major cities. I know there is CHADD, and there are others tho they can be hard to locate.
REPORT ABUSESeptember 30, 2012 at 8:04 am #103155LOL You know, this is why we need a support group! I can remember saying ‘oswfim’ but I can’t remember what it meant!
REPORT ABUSESeptember 30, 2012 at 8:04 am #103156something foot in mouth… it’ll come to me…
REPORT ABUSESeptember 30, 2012 at 8:05 am #103157October 5, 2012 at 4:07 am #103158
AnonymousInactiveOctober 5, 2012 at 4:07 amPost count: 14413I checked CHADD, the closest location to me was a 4.5 hr drive on the interstate, one way. Cripes. A nine hour drive might actually kill me.
REPORT ABUSEOctober 5, 2012 at 12:05 pm #103159Isn’t this a support group? I was referred to this site from somebody at the support group that I’ve sort of just joined. What happens at these things anyway? Has anybody been to one before?
REPORT ABUSEOctober 5, 2012 at 7:58 pm #103160There was a support group in the Bellevue area for ADD. It was moderated by volunteer who was a life coach in the area. He left, because his practice was growing and he couldn’t spend the time. The group lasted for a while longer, but without the moderation, a room full of ADD people lost direction. Go figure. I left the group about 3 months ago, and I hear it has disbanded.
When this group was going, it was a great place to exchange ideas and techniques for dealing with ADD. We also had a topic every time we met, so it added structure to our discussions.
It was nice to meet with a few people who shared the same experiences and difficulties.
REPORT ABUSEOctober 6, 2012 at 4:37 pm #103161
AnonymousInactiveOctober 6, 2012 at 4:37 pmPost count: 14413Haha! Once again, confirmed I’m brilliant! Yesterday I had a very long solo drive in a car with a malfunctioning stereo
REPORT ABUSEand used the time to discuss a few things with my invisible friend Bert. I was telling Bert about the good talk I had (miraculously) with husband Kevin, poor Kevin is frustrated, because there are things I can’t seem to learn. No matter how hard he or my friends/ family try to teach me. I was getting down on myself when it occurred to me that a life coach with ADHD might be the answer! I’ve never asked someone who’s brain plays the same tricks with them, as mine does with me. All I kept thinking was “that would be just as helpful as a support group” if someone could translate “15 tips for an organized house” out of Good Housekeeping into different strategies and tips to use for ME, not the “general population”. Someone who combined the two would be the cherry on top though!
October 7, 2012 at 5:00 pm #103162I’m in for a support group. I have been looking for something but there is nothing for adults in the area. I have thought about starting a support group of my own. but how? as someone with add is that something i could handle when i get overwhelmed by my laundry pile? sorry i think i’m having a down day. I don’t know were i’m going with this
REPORT ABUSEOctober 9, 2012 at 1:22 pm #103163we have a group in our area at the second meeting I was asked to shut up and give someone else a chance to talk. so I never went back.
REPORT ABUSEOctober 16, 2012 at 3:20 am #103164Trashman – It sounds like you must have mistakenly walked into a SOPA
: meeting. Unfortunately, people with ADHD are often mistaken for SOPA members because we are often misunderstood or because things don’t get from the brain through the mouth (or keyboard) as intended. Then there is the NUTS, no unspoken thought syndrome, where, I don’t know, the brain causes our lungs to pass gas through our mouths or something.
Anyone that reads through very many of the threads and posts, can readily tell that SOPA members don’t hang out on this site, although they may occasionally pass through.
Interestingly enough however, the ADHD community must have a general anxiety concerning our expression of thoughts, as several weeks ago we were all apologizing to one another for fear that thoughts posted in the past might have offended anybody. I think this was after something concerning pregnancy and ADHD meds was brought up. And more recently when an innocent complaint of “people empty their heads of what is essentially mental garbage overflow” caused half of the members think the comment directed squarely at them. If it weren’t so sad that the treatment of ADHD sufferers had conditioned them to think as such, it would be funny. Something for the plot of a slapstick sitcom.
Well that’s about all the mental garbage I can muster for now. Oh, wait, no it’s not. One more thing Trashman. I was looking to see more from you after you got Dragonspeak. Sadly, that has not been the case. See if you can get that Dragon talking.
Your friend,
REPORT ABUSE: SOPA-Society of Practicing Assholes)
October 16, 2012 at 3:35 am #103165Heh, that gave me a chuckle! ๐ It’s a good point that you raise re the conditioning of the treatment of ADHD’ers, because the moment an awareness of some grieviance, suspiscion, or complaint by anybody nearby registers in one’s consciousness, one prepares for ‘fight or flight’ as one’s mind hastily processes anything said or done that could have anything remotely associated with the furore. It becomes second nature to become defensive. ‘huh, old Muriel’s car next door was broken into and her gold plated knitting needles have been nabbed along with her lawn bowl, eh? That’s terrible! ‘Hang on, why are you looking at me like that for? *blushes* ‘I was in front of the computer all night, and then I crashed around midnight’ You were there! ‘Do they think that I did it? *blanches* I’m getting a lawyer!!!! ๐