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wellbutrin question

wellbutrin question2010-12-13T19:09:11+00:00

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    Post count: 14413

    Is wellbutrin so much like a stimulant that if there are bad side effects with it you can’t try a stimulant?

    My husband was agitated and it made him feel numb so he stopped after almost two months with no change in any ADD . The doctor told him that he can’t try any stimulants because Wellbutrin is basically a stimulant so he would have the same side effects on all of them (this sounds suspect to me since otherwise there would be no need for all the other meds out there and people wouldn’t react differently to each one)

    I do not think the agitation would be hard to deal with since it wasn’t that bad if it helped.

    He has heard from someone else at the same place (his old therapy person) that he doesn’t fidget enough to even be inattentive, and it would be better if he would try harder. (but apparently even on concerta I wiggle and fidget plenty and we need to try to diagnose me)

    The new person told him that I should keep track of what he needs to do and remind him to do it and make him do it. First of all, I can’t keep track of my own stuff unless I am having a great day, and second of all I feel that doing this will be me parenting him. (I have been trying this, and failing miserably)

    We can’t see anybody else since we have to go to the low income mental health clinic and we don’t have a choice in who we see so I was just kind of wondering what other opinions of Wellbutrin as stim and side effects is.


    Post count: 14413

    I’ve taken ssri’s for about 15 years. They’re a lifesaver. At one point a doctor switched me to wellbutrin,which lasted a couple of weeks until I just couldn’t take it anymore: The only thing the wellbutrin did was make me ANGRY!!!! Back to zoloft and i was absolutely fine! My son’s doctor tried to switch him from adderall to wellbutrin,but it did absolutely nothing for his adhd. I think your’ husbad needs a new (i.e. BETTER!) doctor.

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