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What can you wax poetic about?

What can you wax poetic about?2013-10-10T20:22:58+00:00

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    Post count: 90

    What’s a topic that you can wax poetic about for minutes or hours at a time? I can talk about Josh Groban…   My boss and I could wax poetic about everything..we had some really deep conversations.






    Post count: 363


    What would you like us to wax poetic about?

    Josh Groban’s voice amazes me. I don’t even like music. That kind of music in particular makes me want to stab my eardrums with a pencil, but when he does it? Transcendental, baby. Crossing boundaries. How can a human being sound that good? I’m going to listen to him right now. Good thing I’m not suggestible.


    Post count: 363

    I’m listening to him right now. “February Song” is my favorite. His voice makes me remember why I love art, the power of art to make the world a better place, and why I want to improve my writing. His voice is like melted chocolate with a hint of cinnamon.


    Post count: 906

    Oh, I can wax poetic. For hours and hours. But not about Josh Groban.

    It’s not that I have anything against him, or that I don’t agree that he has a great voice and is a good artist. It’s just that I don’t really have a lot to say about him. I have never really heard him sing except on TV. I have seen him on a couple of talk shows and he has a good sense of humour too.

    I’m not really into that kind of music I guess. I’m not really into any particular kind of music. I usually only listen to the radio in the car and a little in the morning when my alarm first goes off. And  I have a few CD’s that I listen to occasionally. Mostly just a single song will catch my attention for some reason. And sometimes it holds my attention enough to make me think of going out to buy the CD. But then I rarely listen to the CD’s after I get them.

    I kept hearing Mumford and Sons Little Lion Man and The Cave and I would think I really like that song, but that was it. Until I saw them at The Grammys and I bought their first CD and listened to it almost every day for awhile. But I haven’t listened to it in at least a year now. I don’t even actually know where it is. Same thing happens with most of the artists I like. I don’t really stop liking them I just sort of forget to listen to them. I’ll hear a song on the car radio and think ‘oh yeah, I should listen to that CD’ or ‘oh yeah, I was going to go and buy that CD’. But then by the time I get home I’ve already forgotten it again.

    Then sometimes a song will just get stuck in my head and I can’t forget it. Right now that would be Royals by Lorde. It’s just a very catchy tune.


    Post count: 906

    Okay, well that was definitely an ADD moment. More like an ADD hour…

    When I was typing my comment I Googled Lorde to make sure I was spelling it right. And it came up with “Lorde Royals Lyrics” and I thought well, I have been meaning read them. I was having difficulty making out a couple of lines when I listened to song and I remember lyrics better if I read them.

    That led to an article about some blogger who accused Lorde of being racist because according to her the lyrics are obviously about black people and rappers.

    So then I read the lyrics over. Then I went and looked up this blogger and read her article. And I decided that she was way off base. And I decided that I wanted to tell her so. But I had to register and log in to comment. Then I typed out my comment and went back and edited it a few times. Then I decided that it was too long and I had included things that were really off topic so I deleted half of it. But then I really did want to include some of what I said so I went back and typed another paragraph. Then I edited again…..

    And now I am left to wonder: WHY? Was it really that important? Was it really worth that much of my time? Couldn’t I have just let it go? And wasn’t there something else I was going to do?

    Yes, there was. Before that I was  halfway through cleaning the fridge out. And I was doing laundry. And working on my craft projects. And tidying up the the living room… 🙄


    Patte Rosebank
    Post count: 1517

    My dad named his first car “Poetic”.  Every weekend, he’d spend hours waxing Poetic.


    Post count: 363

    @blackdog: LOL. I can relate to wasting an hour that way.

    @larynxa: It would be worth naming a car Poetic just to have an excuse to wax.

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