The Forums › Forums › Emotional Journey › I'm Excited/Relieved › What have you been doing for excitement lately?
June 22, 2013 at 4:58 pm #120620
I remember in grade school we used to get back from summer vacation and some of the kids would have some kind of report to give the class about “what they did on summer vacation”. Now that you’re trying not to jump on to every impulsive idea that pops into your head, what are you still doing for excitement?, or fun?, and what do you do to get your motor running?
Heck you guys, I’ve been a bit lazy lately. But I decided to get my butt out of the house this weekend… at least a bit. For me it’s necessary to spend some time getting myself back in shape before I go out and partake in my usual unusual adrenaline chasing. I’m up to about 3 miles in my wheelchair. That ain’t easy considering the fact that like a lot of the folks that hang around in this camp. I still come up with lots of other things to do on my way to take off and actually do that thing I’ve been thinking about doing.
But I do sometimes get around to a lot of the things my imagination dreams up. And it really pays off when I do.
I’m a lil bit older now. But that just means it takes a lil longer to get myself in shape, and also it takes a bit longer to recover from injuries. I think if you don’t get injured, that just means you haven’t been pushing your envelope hard enough, or long enough… J.M.O.
I’m going to be charging down some California hills in my all terrain wheelchair some time soon. If I survive… I’ll come back and share about my adventures here.
Sound like fun?Arright!
What are you doing to keep your life interesting?
REPORT ABUSEJune 24, 2013 at 11:54 am #120636@Robbo, be sure to check your brakes before you hit those hills. And put some playing cards in your spokes.
I have visions of something like that “Wheelchair Rally” scene from “The Benny Hill Show”, as you hurtle down the hill and plummet spectacularly over a cliff and into a bush, from which you emerge, and (in typical ADDer fashion), say, “Wow! What a rush! I wanna do it again!”
As for my “interesting thing”…
Yesterday, I was part of a Circus-Sideshow-themed art-photo project!
After an hour in the make-up chair, I’d been transformed into the Bird-Lady, complete with beaky nose, huge false eyelashes, and glittering eye make-up that made my eyes look much bigger than they really are! I’d never worn prosthetic make-up before, other than false eyelashes. It wasn’t that bad, really. Though I’d probably feel different about it, if it had been full-face instead of just a nose.
I wore a gold sequin-fringe dress, bright yellow tights (NOT Queen-size, for the first time in years!), big duck-feet, and a black feathered headdress & sequinned cape with feathered collar (part of the time), and a yellow ostrich-feathered headdress & coat (for the rest of the time). I made the dress, coat, and cape, and customized the yellow headdress myself.
It’s been ages since I did a photo-shoot. I’d forgotten how much I come to life and become someone totally different, when I put on a costume and step in front of a camera. And yesterday, I became a cross between the Black Swan, Theda Bara, an opera diva, and a 1920s Russian theatre poster.
The photos will be for a gallery exhibit and/or a magazine feature. I’ll post the details of whatever it turns out to be.
REPORT ABUSEJune 24, 2013 at 12:46 pm #120638Hey yeah!
put some playing cards in your spokes.
sounds like a fun way to “motor along” I think all of our generation remembers “motoring along” with cards in our spokes..
Brakes are boring! 😛 It’s more fun to just get sideways when I want to slow down. I gotta do whatever I can for excitement these days. We all do what we can right?
Yep, Benny Hill style sounds like fun.
REPORT ABUSEJune 24, 2013 at 10:39 pm #120645Looking foreword to the pictures Larynxa, sounds fun!
REPORT ABUSEJune 25, 2013 at 11:52 am #120654That sounds spectacular, Larynxa. And like fun.
Robbo: Please try not to get killed. Thank you.
My current fantasy is that I would like an excuse to put on a tiara and one white glove, so I could wander around practicing a queen-like wave.
Most exciting activities lately:
Watching movies. Most recent, “The Words,” which is about a guy who steals and publishes another man’s novel under his own name.
Working on my novel. A friend is helping me nail down scene structure and order (no surprise that’s what I struggle with).
Got back on medication after being off for six months, because I fell into a hole and couldn’t get out – and I have to say I was amazed – even somewhat alarmed – by how much better I felt, and how quickly. That is pretty exciting.
I need to get out of the house more often.
June 25, 2013 at 8:20 pm #120658@Sdwa, every woman should experience the sensation of wearing a proper tiara, if only for a few minutes, in a shop. It really does transform the way you feel and the way you move.
But be careful. I know from experience that tiaras can be addictive…especially when your mother owns one, and you first try it on when you’re only 3.
Thus began my lifetime habit of violating tiara protocol, because traditional etiquette decrees that only *married* women are allowed to wear tiaras!
REPORT ABUSEJune 26, 2013 at 3:22 am #120670I second that Robbo, live to fly another day. Oh and the Benny Hill thing is good too! Such an imagination that Larynxa.
I have to say I’ve never worn a tiara, but I used to make clover crowns by tying knots in the stems and putting the next clover through the knot. I tried it with daisy’s but kept breaking the stems.
I saw the topic as I was getting ready to log out, and the first thing that popped into my head was, ” counting the pixels in my forehead” I don’t know where that came from I haven’t even been working with bitmaps today.
I have to say, trapping people in my yard sale to talk to. I really enjoyed the people who came to check out what I had to offer. Most were willing to spend a few minutes in chit chat, nothing too heavy. Oh and dodging raindrops; we had a Southern wind rainstorm on Saturday evening, my canopy was open to the south, luckily I had jerry-rigged some curtains of plastic sheeting and duct tape so all I had to do was draw them closed, I just hadn’t figured on the strength of the wind. I took my friend and me nearly an hour, half a roll of duct tape and a rope that was too short, to get them to stay closed and close to the ground. We used a bungee cord at one end to complete the span. Then we hung pants hangers along the bottom of the plastic for weight. We were drenched by the time we finished. Now there was a massive Dopamine rush. I was hitting on all cylinders for several hours after that, and slept like a comfortable baby that night.
I got really lucky that he showed up when he did. If he would have come just 15 minutes later I would have had a lot of ruined stuff on my hands.
June 29, 2013 at 8:46 pm #120732This isn’t exciting by any means but studying for my Statistics class that I start next week. I’ve been getting better at my martial arts training.
REPORT ABUSEJuly 4, 2013 at 11:47 am #120796Ive joined ROLLER DERBY!!! Now I just need to learn how to roller blade… hahahahahahahaha Im better already! My 6 year old daughter is teaching me! 😉
I also want to take up para-sailing, kayaking, and life. Learn to slow down and enjoy it! Thats hard! Ive been pacing around on my days off! BUT ROLLER DERBY! Starts back up in September so I have all summer to practice! xD
@phoenixmagicgirl – I think studying for a class is exciting! I love school and miss it! Was a good stress! Gave me something to do! 😀