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What Now??

What Now??2010-11-29T05:34:42+00:00

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  • #88649

    Post count: 14413

    Approx 2 years ago my doctor felt like I had ADD after a visit with her. I advised her that my actions were putting my job in jeopardy & she put me on Strattera. That didn’t seem to work so she increased the dosage three times, then put me on Adderall, when that didn’t seem to work she increased the dosage of that three times. After seeing her for months regarding the medication & how I was feeling she finally took me off of that & didn’t recommend anything else, stating that the dosage was as high as she could put me on. I have been on anti-depressants off & on for many years. I was on Celexa 40mg for approx 3-4 years when about a month ago I again went into her office & stated that the medication didn’t seem to be working. She now has me on Cymbalta 30mg & again I am the same. I have been suffering from depression for approx 30 years & I had also been seeing a counsler for approx eight years until about a year ago. I very much feel overwhelmed, disorganized, can’t concentrate or get things done or finished. I lost my job 10 months ago & have been unable to find another job. If that medication didn’t help me, what do I do now? Is there really help for me?


    Post count: 14413

    You are focusing too much on the meds. They are not miracle pills. You need to address the many aspects of what is happening in your life. There are lifestyle changes you will need to make, psychological therapies to understand your feelings of helplessness, and basic interventions to get you back into a job (vocational assistance). When you are depressed these may all look overwhelming and so it becomes a vicious cycle. Sometimes hospitalization or a day treatment program becomes necessary to break the cycle of continuous defeatist feelings. The symptoms of ADHD and Depression overlap but ADHD should have been there since your childhood. If there are unresolved feelings that go back there as well, that might be the root of some of the issues. Even CBT would be of help to you as well.

    When I hear of a story of someone having multiple medication failures, the first thing I hear between the lines is you are looking for someone to rescue you. The meds can’t do that but someone has to step up. Get a doc who will have to support your fragile feelings.

    Always speak to your doctor or before making any changes to medications. Dr. Jain provides advice generically and not for any one person. Advice does not constitute a therapeutic relationship or promise of care. Please consult the privacy policy for more information


    Post count: 14413

    Thank you for the information, I appreciate it. But I’m not sure I know what CBT is. I also would like to know what a day treatment progam is. If you can answer that. Thank you


    Post count: 14413

    CBT = Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

    There’s a book by David Burns called “Feeling Good” which explains it.

    Incidentally, I’ve just started CBT again for the 2nd/3rd time, and I’m not happy about it, but apparently it helps with ADD, so I’m going to suck it up and give it another chance. Many people in these forums have spoken well of it.

    CBT has a pretty good track record for replacing medication with permanent, beneficial lifestyle changes.

    I hope things work out!


    Post count: 14413

    Thank you so much Megatron, I will give it a try. Let me know what you think when you are done reading it again.

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