56 years old – and diagnosed over the years with depression and then GAD (generalized anxiety disorder). Taking SSRIs. Psych Dr. broached the subject of ADD a while ago and I laughed it off – after all, I’m 56. How could I have ADD? Then I saw the film. OMG!!! They were talking about me!!! Then I spent the weekend reading everything on this website and others (hyperfocus, huh). So many questions answered, right down to little things like why I transpose letters and numbers sometimes.
So about 2 months ago my Dr and I talked about it, and I’ve gone through some behavioural stuff, and after denial and all the rest of the steps I’m approaching acceptance. I’ve picked up my first 2-week test prescription (10 mg Ritalin twice/day) and I take the first pill in the morning.
Is this the last night of the old me? Am I going to like the new me? Will I still be witty and creative–or did I just think I was witty and creative? How long will it take to kick in? Will I notice a change right away or will it take days or weeks? My heart is pounding just thinking about it… Words of wisdom/experience would be very appreciated. I feel like a teenager about to go on her first date.