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White Noise Reviews

White Noise Reviews2012-08-10T00:55:53+00:00

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    Post count: 14413

    I ABSOLUTELY need white noise to fall asleep, always have…was laughing about this today when I came across it. Just thought I would share!



    Post count: 229

    Oh my word! They even have my beloved blow dryer on there! I’m not the only one that is comforted by that sound! How fabulous. Completely ineffective recording (too high-pitched, plus lacking the warmth), but fabulous!

    I feel so validated. :D


    Post count: 929


    I bet you can use the equalizer in iTunes to adjust the warmth/pitch of the sound, if they have it in mp3, you can set it up as a loop, adjust with the EQ, and go with it! If you don’t know how to do that I bet you can get some directions here. I bet you can just figure it out though.

    Good luck.


    Post count: 929

    Bet!, Bet!, anybody wanna make a bet? This reminds me of an old Flintstones episode, member you guys? I’ll betchya 5 bux that ashockly can figure out how to make the blow dryer sound more fabulous with her iTunes EQ.

    Anyone want some u this?


    I’m bored, I wish we had more folks sticking around after they get helped with the worst of their adhd stuff,

    I just don’t want to do my dang housework…


    Post count: 14413

    Sorry Robbo, the only reason I’m not here is because I’m watching the meteor shower in the northeast sky tonite! I’ll take that bet…I think she’ll figure it out AND make it better!

    AND hopefully post it so I (we) can use it to fall asleep by!


    Post count: 845

    I get my iPhone to play Rimsky-Korsakov’s Schehrazade (Youtube) when I go to sleep sometimes.


    Post count: 14413

    I have tinnitus in my left ear. I have my own built in white noise!


    Post count: 929

    I’m at the edge of my seat with anticipation… (dang! my sense of humor sometimes sees my writing as if I mean it sarcastically), I think that’s just my minds way of always trying to find humor… heck, I crack up at how I look in the mirror sometimes. N then make faces to really ham up the goofy look I see… I bet God is watching me and just rolling!.

    How did you discover the hair dryer was a good white noise maker?

    Sorry about the tinnitus carsonky, I’ve had short umm… bouts? accute attacks? of it lately. I got the creeps real fast because I value my hearing more than any other sense. I hope you keep a sense of humor about it. I feel for ya. Surfing involves just about every sensory input our brain can receive, I wonder if learning to surf can cure tinniness?, I’d say give it a shot. :-) I think I may have gotten tinniness symptoms after long surf session when I wiped out a lot. Sea gets forced into every orifice you’ve got if you “go over the falls” on a big wave, even a 6 foof wave is considered big to me. Water is super heavy. That tinnitus always went away though.

    It’s a bet!


    Post count: 14413

    It’s on 24/7 since 2008. Remember the day well. I worked tech support back then and had one of the worst days ever. Extremely rude people who knew how to push my buttons, etc. Came home, threw my keys on the floor (yay ADD) and wiped out on the couch at 7 pm. When I woke up around 1 am, it started and hasn’t ever quit. I can ignore it unless I think about it (like now) and it’s pretty loud. Hope to get hired full time permanent at my job so I can finally afford to see a doctor.


    Post count: 845

    I have tinnitus as well. Sometimes I cover my ears of turn off the monitor to see if the noise will go away, but it doesn’t. However, with ADHD, it’s easy to ignore it.


    Post count: 229

    Oh no! I’m not technilogically advanced! Or a good speller. :-D I imagine I could fiddle around on itunes and figure out how to fix the blow dryer sound, but, honestly, without the womb of warm air to accompany the sound…I suppose I could use a hot water bottle to substitute for the warmth…these are thoughts…

    I actually gave up my blow dryer addiction several weeks ago…now I just have the tv on low volumn to go to sleep. I play a dvd because I don’t have cable in my bedroom, and it’s kinda nice because I never have to wake up to one of those horrible horror movie commericals in the middle of the night. I’ve done that a few times and it has kept me up the rest of the night, scared senseless.

    I will say that I’ve noticed ringing in my ears for a little while after running my blow dryer!

    Ha ha…bringing this thread full circle.


    Post count: 229

    Oh no! I’m not technilogically advanced! Or a good speller. :-D I imagine I could fiddle around on itunes and figure out how to fix the blow dryer sound, but, honestly, without the womb of warm air to accompany the sound…I suppose I could use a hot water bottle to substitute for the warmth…these are thoughts…

    I actually gave up my blow dryer addiction several weeks ago…now I just have the tv on low volumn to go to sleep. I play a dvd because I don’t have cable in my bedroom, and it’s kinda nice because I never have to wake up to one of those horrible horror movie commericals in the middle of the night. I’ve done that a few times and it has kept me up the rest of the night, scared senseless.

    I will say that I’ve noticed ringing in my ears for a little while after running my blow dryer!

    Ha ha…bringing this thread full circle.

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