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Will ADD mecications push diagnosed a Bipolar person into mania?

Will ADD mecications push diagnosed a Bipolar person into mania?2010-12-12T20:52:21+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Will ADD mecications push diagnosed a Bipolar person into mania?

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  • #88664

    Post count: 14413

    I have been diagnosed with BP for decades, and have also been aware that I had ADD for decades as well. I am on valproic acid as a mood stabilizer. What does the literature say about Bipolar and the reaction to stimulant medications? I am concerned it would throw me into a manic episode.


    Post count: 14413

    I have also been diagnosed with BP and am taking the same medication you are for mood stabilization and like you was concerned about stimulants triggering manic eposodes. Recently I went on Adderal to treat my ADHD symptoms and found the medication curiously calming: I have not experienced anything even remotely resembling mania; in fact, coffee now has a soothing effect on me insted of something that could potentially trigger manic eposodes. Needless to say I have been doing well as a result

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