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Would the same medication that was successful 25 years ago still work today?

Would the same medication that was successful 25 years ago still work today?2010-12-15T04:02:11+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Would the same medication that was successful 25 years ago still work today?

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  • #88808

    Post count: 14413

    I took Dexedrine 25yrs ago with great success but stopped once I got out on my own. Perhaps because of a job change my ADD symptoms have been really noticeable over the last couple of years and I was prescribed Adderall xr and Strattera which both caused anxiousness, upset stomach and skin problems and thus didn’t last.

    Would the effects of Dexedrine change from Youth to adulthood?


    Post count: 14413

    Having never taken Dexedrine I don’t know that much about it. But in general, if you’ve had success with a med in the past most doctors will prescribe that one again and see how you respond to it before trying something new. If it doesn’t work well at first they should try adjusting the dosage before switching you to a different med. If I were you I’d ask the doctor for a Dexadrine Rx and see what happens. Good luck!

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