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yes, it looks like ADHD.

yes, it looks like ADHD.2010-12-16T22:36:07+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! I Suspect I Am yes, it looks like ADHD.

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    Post count: 14413

    Hello all,

    I was just officially diagnosed with ADHD and possibly bi-polarism.

    I am 42 years old and have had struggles my entire life. I felt I could fix it, I have dozens of self help, personal awareness and other books to prove it. heck, I even finished a few of them. :)

    With my second major crash into depression and anxiety in 6 years just happening, I finally ran for help. All the books had at least given me the ability to look at myself as I was going down. I could see what was happening, see my usual disorganized struggles getting worse as I was spiraling downward.

    Since I had not followed up on an ADD assessment years ago, I revisited the disease. 92 out of 100 on the assessment test in the appendix of “taking charge of adult ADHD” book. The next day in my primary doc’s office I picked up a pamphlet on bi-polarism while waiting for a routine checkup. I hit every mark on that as well. The latter kind of scared me.

    Knowing that I do not think like my friends or co-workers and knowing that I have been unable to solve the problem on my own, I called for an assessment for both ADHD and bi-polarism.

    The psychiatrist did her thing and decided we could go after the ADHD symptoms first. I have been on Adderall XR for 7 days now. Noticing some changes in my thinking process and some other positive signs. Looking forward to the followup visit next week. I feel like the meds might need to be a bit stronger but already feel a difference in myself. Now I need to learn to live with this in a positive way and pick up all the pieces.

    I stumbled across the “ADD and loving it” documentary on KCTS9 last night. It is so nice to feel I am not alone in this any more. That others know what I am feeling and going through. I cried a few times as people talked about things that have frustrated me so long. It increased my sympathy for those who have had to deal with us.


    Post count: 14413

    Gonzo025, I was hit with the possibility by my mother and my wife as kind of a team effort this weekend! I took the test and failed miserably, or maybe i passed with flying colors at having adhd? Still have to go see the doc for an official diagnosis, but everything seems to fit in place. Have to admit that I wasn”t real thrilled at first, but at 43 years old, it’s just a possible gift, if I can get better control of it, even if medicine is needed!Haven’t seen “ADD, and loving it” yet, but hope to see it soon. I am just glad that there are alot of us out here in this world, and in just about every profession! Take care and good luck with your journey!

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