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You do NOT want your child, significant other or yourself to be like…. ME !!!!

You do NOT want your child, significant other or yourself to be like…. ME !!!!2011-01-18T15:06:02+00:00

The Forums Forums For The Non-ADD Other You do NOT want your child, significant other or yourself to be like…. ME !!!!

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    Post count: 14413

    Congratulate yourself quick…… Why? You have found a GREAT website that is going to take you on a journey. It is the most informative venue on add/adhd I have ever seen or read since being diagnosed at the age of 46! (I have been looking at all types of material on add/adhd for app 2yrs+ since diagnosis).. KUDOS !!! to all that are involved over at TotallyADD Great Job! To all parents, caregivers, therapists and those with ADD/ADHD you are going to have a huge amount of information available to you…. A TON. Take your time going through this site…(Yeah right From a guy with ADHD.. How Ironic!). Having untreated add/adhd my whole life and finally starting to understand the “disease” is truly ? …….. Can’t even describe all the feelings to be honest right now..

    Little bit about me… Hopefully so you may relate! I am a 48 yr old male, married and divorced twice!;( Children- (1) biological M from first marriage and (1)F adopted during first marriage. Second marriage 2 biolgical children 1m 1f and 1 step daughter I assisted in raising from age 1 through 9. Children from first marriage currently in late 20’s to 30 and children from second marriage app 5 through 13 .

    My life has been full of some of the most extreme ups and downs you can ever imagine so I hope I can share these with you so you do not let those that have been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD have to suffer like I (AND THOSE AROUND ME) as I would not wish my experiences on my worst enemy. Also in my case the symptons of ADD/ADHD are apparent in me and family members at different ages and levels/types (and some may be conquering the disease and others may be struggling with it at one level or another) . Once I became open and knowledgeable (Not defiant about the disease) I believe having ADD/ADHD is not necesarily a bad thing as over time you will see some unbelievable successes along with some incredibly sad and horrific failures.

    To be fair I have had some unique successes. Truly great ones! But because of my impulsiveness and other “symptons” of this disease and probably lack of knowledge and understanding of the disease it also created the most horrific failures. I do not want you, or others in your life directly to have the failures like me.

    So again PAT yourself on your back, take a breathe and read, enjoy the videos and webinars and forums. Be open and honest and non judgemental as that is what is going to allow for the quickest way for you to start to understand all that this very complex disease has to challenge you with.

    YESSSS you have the opportunity unlike I did to take the knowledge of this website (and other sources) and make informed decissions based on scientific, shared and unbiased and logical information and triumph over this EVIL disease and move forward to succeed in life. My journey is going to start today and I am going to share my life with all of you through this forum (let’s call it one of my hollistic therapeautic pieces) of the many I know now that I will have to use if I again want to move forward in a possitive way in life (all the facets of it!) as one with ADD/ADHD.

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all those at Totally ADD and to all those that post and share there experiences (Yes even the “Big Pharmas” ) To which I was trained to be afraid of (maybe with some good reason as I have insight as to both there sucesses and failures in delivering medications and education due to the almighty $ Hey let’s be honest right! ) but at least I can thank them for providing some funds for this site to exist.

    GOOD LUCK…….. NO LET”S CALL IT SKILL……….. We shall move forward one step at a time with information and knowledge!

    Lastly, I am going to ask for help on many of the forums here and I am going to be open to those that have questions you may want to ask me. I am not a PHD I am just one that has struggled and truly believe I have can offer insight and suggestions only . I cannot control what you do with the information I provide. But I do hope it helps as I unfortunately was not afforded this venue when I was much younger and if I had I can only imagine the “Great” contributor as opossed to the under acheiver and even burden I have allowed myself to become in ALL facets of my life and society as a whole………


    Post count: 14413

    I agree. This site comes with the whole package.

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