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  • in reply to: Noise #110630

    Post count: 9

    This forum topic has been very interesting to follow. I also have problem with certain noises depending on the situation. I love listening to music in the car (especially loud when I’m by myself), but when my husband has it on at night turned down very low so he can fall asleep, it keeps me up. I can’t fall asleep until it shuts off!

    I learned about white noise about a month ago and downloaded an app on my blackberry. It’s wonderful! I turn on the fan noise and I fall right asleep.

    I have to have the T.V. on during the day while I work around the house or play on the computer. I’ve never liked the house to be quiet. It drives me nuts! Also, if I’m up early in the morning I don’t like it when my husband wants to chat and chat and chat. It makes me cringe. I just want to cover my ears and say Stop! (OOps! I think I’ve done that a few times.) : ) I have to have at least 30 min. to wake up before I want to utter any words or listen to anyone talk.

    in reply to: Doubts about telling my family #105937

    Post count: 9

    I’m going to go visit my dad this weekend. I haven’t seen him in two years and since I only found out this year that I have ADD, I was thinking I would tell him about it. I’m not sure it will connect with him because he probably doesn’t understand what ADD is all about. Since he’s 83, should I even bother with telling him?

    I’ve only told one of my older brothers about my diagnosis, (I have four brothers). He laughed at first and said he thought that it was just me being a (family name). But I think he understands even though it was just a short conversation I had with him. I haven’t talked with him again about it- (It’s that thing called a phone that I hate to pick up and dial issue I have.), but I would love to find out his opinion on who else in our family could or did have ADD. Someday I will have to call him back.

    Sad thing is, I wish I could talk with my mom, but she’s been deceased for 7 years now. Anyway, wish me luck with my dad!

    in reply to: Dishwashing and Divergent Thinking #105969

    Post count: 9

    What an interesting concept you brought up. I have always disliked having to put away the clean dishes, but never minded loading the dishwasher. I do have a certain way I like to load the dishes and it drives me crazy the way my husband loads it. ( Filling the dishwasher for me is like solving a puzzle……. How many more dishes/glasses can if fit in here and get them out of sight?) Anyway, what you said makes sense to me and I also hate the chore! (Could this concept apply to laundry? I hate putting clean clothes away too!) :?


    Post count: 9

    @toofat and @ curlymoe Thanks for saying a lot of the things I wanted to say but cannot get from my brain to this post! Everyone is different and one thing I’ve learned from this site is that there are many levels in having ADD and I hate to see the friction between the people here. We all can learn something from each other.

    Having been recently diagnosed at age 49, I’ve learned a lot from this community. (I fall more on the inattentive side of ADD, although I can get hyper and chatty!) Sometimes I feel out of my league with some of you who have high IQ’s but, it doesn’t put me off from learning from you. (Some things that I’ve learned here I’ve shared with my therapist that she didn’t realize was a part of ADD).

    I don’t know what my IQ is and I really don’t care at this point in my life.

    I read many stories and get many ideas here in these forums because I want to learn more about ADD and find solutions, so I don’t have to struggle so much everyday just trying to get things accomplished because I’m not on any medication to help me focus. (Some ideas work for me and others don’t and that’s ok. ) I’m not sure why my therapist doesn’t want to put me on anything, but I guess she feels that since I’m working at home, there’s no urgent need for me to take anything to help me focus. She needs to be my shadow one day!

    @trashman I believe everyone has something to offer the world and you are not worthless. We all have our own challenges to deal with and work out.

    in reply to: Give me a quick overview #104990

    Post count: 9

    I had my appointment yesterday, but my therapist didn’t recommend putting me on any meds right now. I guess because I’m working at home and don’t have to worry about the stresses of working for a boss. (I’m only guessing) I do stress out and get overwhelmed sometimes, but luckily I do have a husband that is very understanding and can talk me “down”. I’m also trying very hard to make a list of all the things I need to do the night before. I found a neat notepad at Walmart that is divided into three sections

    Errand, Tasks, and Notes. (I use the note section for a short grocery list). The notepad also has circles next to the line where I can check mark what I’ve accomplished. Even if I don’t get everything done on my list (which I won’t), it’s ok because I can look and see what I was able to do and get a positive feedback from that. Whoops! Got off subject! Imagine that!

    Anyway, I’m glad no_dopamine that you’ve gotten your official diagnosis and will soon be starting on meds. I hope this will help you stay with one job that you enjoy and feel normal. (For years until my husband’s retirement from the military, we moved a lot and I was able to get a new job if I wanted at each new town we lived in. By the time I was bored with the job, we moved! Never worked long enough to get fired or too bored.) Now I just can’t find a job in this little town. I did work for 2 attorney’s for two years until I had to quit and take care of my mother-in-law for a year. Darn it! I get carried away. I write like I talk! Also, good luck with your sleep study. Let us now how it went. You’re right! Just because you’re almost 56 doesn’t mean you have to slow down!!!!! I have a friend who is your age and when we’re together we act like we’re 25! Live and enjoy life!!!! (I learned to kayak last year. I love it!) :D

    in reply to: Give me a quick overview #104986

    Post count: 9

    Wow Steffie Thanks for sharing! Your information was very helpful to me. If the Vyvanse (or even something like it) would help me get on a course to develop better organizational habits, then I may suggest it to my therapist on Thurs. and see what she says. I’m so glad it works for you. That gives me hope! You seem like you are very happy with your life and are doing great on the meds! That makes me excited to try it. I’m tired of not finishing or starting projects and feeling so tired in the afternoon because my brain has worked so hard concentrating on getting my errands done and working in the house or garden in the morning.

    Thanks again Steffie

    P.S. That’s my daughters name—- It’s a good one! :-)

    in reply to: Give me a quick overview #104984

    Post count: 9

    I am also going to my therapist on Thursday, and was wondering if I should try medication. I was recently diagnosed with ADD in March and am 50 yrs old. I’ve gone this long coping with my scattered brain that I’m kind of nervous. (I’m already taking something for depression.) I’ve read where you can take medication for both ADD and depression. It might be nice to be able to focus and stay on task for once. Maybe even actually finish my laundry and other chores that need to be tackled!

    I would also like advice on this subject.


    P.S. Good luck on Thurs., no_dopamine :-)

    in reply to: ADD and Knitting #104099

    Post count: 9

    Thank Geoduck for this topic. I love to knit and crochet! I enjoying sitting in front of the t.v. and creating something with my hands and keeping busy while sitting on the couch. I’ve just been diagnosed this past March and until reading this topic, I never thought about knitting helping with ADD. I just know it is relaxing for me. I sometimes bring my project to the doctors office to work on while I’m waiting. It helps me relax and not be so nervous or anxious about waiting to see the doctor. I’m just beginning to learn a lot about ADD and ways I’ve come up with coping skills throughout my life without realizing it.

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