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  • in reply to: Question for adults with adhd from a mom of ten yr old #112424

    Post count: 9

    Hi, I am sooo grateful for all the feedback. I cried when I first saw how many. Now I will read them over more than once to fully get the info. I will give more info for those who are interested. And again thank you all. My son is on ritalin and we are going to try some counselling. He is our only son. My husband and I parent and live together. (But do not always see eye to eye) My partner has gone through quite some grieving and anger. But he is better able to function now. My son is having trouble with having counterwill all the time. He is raging and using profanity to try to get his way or will somehow change the subject and feel that we are always to blame for the arguements. I have tried everything and I know that he is also somewhat depressed. His motivation to do anything is very low. I always have tried to meet him half way and to compromise but my partner says that is where the problem lies. I use the suggestions in the book the Explosive Child to try and difuse anger and frustration. I am going to use written schedules to help us remember how to organize our time in the evening. It is not always easy to stay sane. I have some anxiety issues but not adhd. I may have some learning difference. My son was also diagnosed with a severe learning disability and anxiety. My husband seems to be living without adhd but has a high IQ. My son loves to ski down hill. Is actually exceptionally good at it. Also took up skateboarding and is also very good. He dropped out of it abruptly though. We are going to try and see if he likes boxing. Well it’s time for me to read all the posts again. Thank you for all the help!!

    in reply to: To Medicate or Not to Medicate Your Child? #105017

    Post count: 9

    We started my ten year old on Ritalin last summer in August. We thought that they weren’t helping when his teachers and Assistant coordinator said there was no difference in his behaviour and work output. So we took him off. Well they sure saw a difference then!! They called me at home and asked why I had taken him off!! My son also noticed a difference. He said he was much more jumpy and jittery off the medication. His dad and I didn’t want to choose medication but when the outburst and the inability to stop behaviours escalated we thought it would be worth a try. I was told that if it didn’t work maybe he was misdiagnosed. There were times when I thought he had Pdd and not adhd. But now as he gets older I can see it was the right one.

    in reply to: My ten year old has a realization #110234

    Post count: 9

    Thank you so much for the feedback!! We are also experiencing my son going through extreme boredom. He comes home and is in the door for a minute and is very upset and moody etc. I know I have to get him into sports, maybe after Christmas. He has one friend that gets him and tolerates his way of functioning. What to do and say?????

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