The Forums › Forums › Medication › First day on meds! › Re: First day on meds!
Carrie, I’m going through the same thing already…getting use to the meds. I don’t seem to feel any difference anymore and am never sure if they’re working. I actually feel a little let down, as everything seemed so obviously better just a short time ago. Anyway, then suddenly i start feeling a little sloppy, maybe a little tired, but definitely losing focus (usually around 4 hours also). Now, today I started with 10 in the morning, took 15 4 hours later, and then took 20 mg another 4 hours later. Remember about 2 weeks ago when I accidentallly took 20 mg and I had a speedy caffeine buzzz? Well, it’s not doing that anymore. i felt so relaxed at bowling. But I did notice, I didn’t seem to care as much that I was bowling as good as a 7 year old…..not to dump on any 7 year olds out there : D
Anyway, I’m going to keep trying to find the right dose… from what I’ve read it’s the least amount that delivers a full effect….don’t know when I’ll know….
As per your “side effect:” yes, some literature suggests that people can have more of a rebound when the pills wear off… it’s like your old symptoms come back even stronger. This shouldn’t last long. It usually happens earlier on in treatment. Keep reflecting on it though, in case it does persist. Good luck.